Thursday, November 25, 2021


Naturally I am overjoyed to be reminded that I am a "judío de mierda". Thank you, anonymous internet troll. I treasure these moments. I have also erased your repulsive comment.

Please note that I shan't mention this on Facebook, because I don't want my "other" account to get zucked for "language" like my primary and secondary accounts have been. Because, to my complete surprise, the term "stupid 456king wite people" is totally verboten there, and "judío de mierda" might be too, although maybe not, because Facebook is filled, FILLED, with stupid &^%king white people, who are very sensitive and easily traumatised.
They have to be shielded. The precious.

Stomme schijt blanken.

If it's not in English it simply can't be that traumatizing.
Just those people, you must understand.
Not really "us".

The person who called me a judío de mierda is an honourary stupid f@$^ing whiteperson.
Probably the absolute acme of Facebookfähig.
NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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