Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Apparently the way I was taught PEMDAS is wrong. And I blame all of you heretics and slope-brows for that. We were taught Mijnheer Van Dalen Wacht Op Antwoord: M(achtsverheffen; powers of), V(ermenigvuldigen; multiplication), D(elen; division), W(orteltrekken; deriving the root), O(ptellen; addition), A(ftrekken; subtraction). And solve what's in brackets first.


So in the problem 6÷2(1+2)=? it becomes 6 divided by 2 times 3. Multiplication first, ergo 6 divided by 6. Which is one. Now, somewhere between 1916 and today (1917, to be exact), the idiots took over. And the order of operations is not sequential anymore as regards multiplication and division, but linear, left to right. Which makes NO sense whatsoever, and that's why we have Covid, and antimaskers trying to run things.

The correct, orthodox, and logical answer is 1.
Six, divided by two times three. Equals one.

The modern, idiot, stupid, incredibly dumb answer is 9.
Six divided by two, then multiplied by three.
Three times three equals nine.

I hate you people. I really, really hate you people.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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