Sunday, August 15, 2021


A good thing that will come out of the Taliban take-over in Afghanistan is that both Russia (which paid bounties for American lives) and Pakistan (which created and sustained the Taliban) will within a few years have drug problems infinitely worse than they ever had before.
I fondly imagine Petersburg and Moscow gripped by a krododil epidemic of monumental proportions, and Karachi and Islamabad sodden and laid low by filthy needles.
It will be rich deserved.

The corruption necessary to keep Pakistan allowing convoys through was shocking. Inter Services Intelligence and the Pakistani military stiffed us for as much they possibly could. So it's fitting that their source of funding will dry up unless they engage in selling heroin to their own people on a massive scale.

Rationally, it's high time to write off Pakistan as a valid country.
It's a gangster state that shouldn't have existed anyway.

Sarwa Pakistani bak'ri-chodanewala hain.

I also look forward to Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, in addition to Pakistan, vying for influence, fighting ruinous proxy wars, and getting thoroughly burned in Afghanistan.

Sod them all.

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