Monday, April 04, 2022


There has been an enormous jump in the US numbers on the John's Hopkins Corona Virus Resource Center tracking page.
Every evening, for over two years, I've checked the totals. Somehow in the last twenty four hours we gained over a million new cases and lost an additional fourteen thousand people.

Monday April 4, 10:14 PM
81,495,644 confirmed cases in the US. 997,127 deaths.

Sunday April 3, 9:44 PM
80,155,397 confirmed cases in the US. 982,565 deaths.

Saturday April 2, 8:26 PM
80,150,804 confirmed cases in the US. 982,533 death.

Friday April 1, 10:07 PM
80,140,309 confirmed cases in the US. 982,371 deaths.

What this suggests, and this is just a guess, is that one of the red states was reporting all deaths with co-morbidities as non-covid for several weeks until firmly told by their own health authorities that refusing to list covid deaths as such was yielding totally useless results and clearly ideological. Again, just guessing. But the trend had been a couple of hundred dead a day, and all of a sudden there are more than fourteen thousand newly corpsed.

All those people with plantar warts and Covid who died?
Clearly the warts turned fatal overnight.
How can you doubt that?

Tuesday April 5, 1:45 PM
80,199,263 confirmed cases in the US. 982,438 deaths.

Dang. I felt sure there was a smoking gun.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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