Tuesday, April 05, 2022


Some dingo was upset at fellow hobbyists and quit his group in a huff. Which amused many of the other members. His last post to the group was: "I joined this group thinking I had finally found some real pipe smokers but actually found a bunch of part time, cork sniffers who like to show off their expensive pipes and tobacco. See ya, now you can comment on how glad you are to see me go and what a great pipe smoker you are."

Jayzis, pilgrim.

Some of the posts on that page were indeed happy boasting along the lines of 'hey lookit what I just scored' or 'this is the pipe of which I am fondest', but I myself cannot see how that could be objectionable. We all like to occasionally jump up and down gleefully like giddy forest critters with our prizes, and the other members were always pleased for the member doing so. What luck, good for you, no wonder you're filled with joy.
That is, in fact, one of the primary raisons d'etre of a pipe group. Given that we all have different favourite shapes, favour some brands more than hundreds of others, and like experimenting with new blends OR have a fondness for mixtures which to some of us represent all that is good and sweet and worth lauding, how could it be other wise?

People naturally have different tastes. While I might sing the praises of turkey vultures, mentioning the latest chicanery by the little fellow who shares my quarters, someone else probably refuses to consider any animal except Mr. Flopsie (with the pale blue ears) as a worthy companion / roommate / hug muffin. And rightly so!

"I joined this group thinking I had finally found some real pipe smokers but actually found a bunch of part time, cork sniffers who like to show off their expensive pipes and tobacco. See ya, now you can comment on how glad you are to see me go and what a great pipe smoker you are."

Well okily dokily then. I'm sorry I didn't catch your name and can't remember your presence, but I didn't even know that you had left until all the pictures of men with corks started cropping up in response to your sniffy departure.
Corks in pipes. Corks up nostrils.
Corks with stems attached.
Burning corks.

One more gentleman left the group, throwing a big old hissy on his way out. Didn't like that we weren't filled with seriousity and gravitas. Lamentably, he never realized that when it comes to things we're passionate about, most men are going to be gleefully childish.
Corks, corks, corks, corks, corks, corks, CORKS!

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