Saturday, April 30, 2022


One of the posts here that has gotten an awful lot of views in the past two months is one from fourteen years ago that discusses the Dutch Protestant Church stance on Israel, and the reaction of main thinkers of that faith to 'Friends of Sabeel', which is a mostly namby pamby bunch of Anglo American bigots and haters of Israel known for morally supporting terrorism against civilians.


While I'm mildly tickled at the attention that post is presently receiving, I shan't investigate whether the acrimonious discussion has flared up again. I'm sure it has. The interest in that essay is probably from the pro-Israel side, because the anti-Israel groups largely do not and can not read much, often will not read critically, and have scant curiosity in any case.
They're rather like Marxists or Republicans.

Another post getting lots of attention, from the same period, is entirely in Dutch. Which, given that the language of Vondel and Brederode is limited to less than a quarter of percent of the world's population, is quite remarkable. It, too, dealt with the Israel matter.

I'm mildy curious about those readers.
But they aren't commenting.
So it's moot.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
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