Tuesday, June 01, 2021


Included in a Belgian law, allegedly by accident, was a recipe for asparagus. As was recently discovered and "corrected". Anyone familiar with Belgians however will understand the doubtfulness of any explanations and deletions, as food is fundamental in that country, and therefore must have a bearing on their laws, and the interpretation or enforcement of same. One cannot separate the Belgian jurisprudentialist from the Belgian fine diner.
It's just not done. As numerous wars have shown.

At least I think that's why Belgians were ever involved in wars, because there are no gold mines or oil fields there. Food, yes. Strategic supllies, not so much.


Enough for six people.

ÉTAPE 1. Préchauffer le four à 250°, thermostat 8-9.
STEP 1. Preheat the oven to 250°, gas mark 8-9.

ÉTAPE 2. Dans un grand volume d'eau additionnée de 3 cuillères à café de sel, faire cuire les asperges que vous aurez rincées, épluchées (le bas uniquement) pendant 30 min environ.
STEP 2. In a large volume of water with 3 teaspoons of salt, cook the rinsed and peeled asparagus (bottom only) for about 30 minutes.

ÉTAPE 3. Dans une casserole, porter à ébullition la crème avec le concentré de tomates. Ajouter un peu de paprika, saler et poivrer.
STEP 3. In a saucepan, bring the cream and tomato paste to a boil. Add a little paprika, salt and pepper.

ÉTAPE 4. Beurrer un plat à gratin, y déposer les asperges, recouvrir de la crème ci-dessus et parsemer de Cantal.
STEP 4. Butter a gratin dish, place the asparagus in it, cover with the above cream and sprinkle with Cantal cheese.STEP 5: Lower your oven to 230°, thermostat 7-8, and bake for 15-20 min.

ÉTAPE 5. Abaisser votre four à 230°, thermostat 7-8, et enfourner 15-20 min.
STEP 5. Lower your oven to 230°, thermostat 7-8, and bake for 15-20 min.

ÉTAPE 6. Bon appétit!
STEP 6. Bon Appétit.

The recipe above, in both gibberish and English, was recovered from the internet. Several sources. A search has not yet turned up a Dutch (Flemish) translation. But that's okay.
Flems can read French. It's useful for finding out what those folks are thinking.

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