Thursday, December 02, 2021


Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg have standards. Which is hard to believe. And occasionally mild mannered soft spoken gentlemen will run afoul of them, because of rhetorical flourishes which bloody minded literalists, Indian programming monkeys, and artificial intelligences don't quite appreciate. No offense to all the bloody minded literalists, subcontinental programming monkeys, and buggery unnatural intelligences, some of my best friends etcetera.

Will no one think of the mild mannered soft spoken gentlemen?
Oh, the humanity!

Today marks the last day of the 30 day Facebook ban (hate, community standards). This post caused it: "The apartment mate informs me that Kimchi Tofu Soup, as available at a local yuppie enterprise, looks unappetizingly like it's filled with "B B 曱甴" ('bi bi gaa tzaat'; baby cockroaches). Because it also contains black rice. The immortal words of a very good friend are entirely applicable in this instance: "stupid f*cking white people"."
November 2, 2021.
You couldn't post or comment for 30 days

What I said about Mike Pence cringingly sucking up to Trump (harassment and bullying): "Turns out he's a whore."
October 6, 2021
You couldn't post or comment for 7 days

The previous ban was because of this comment about rich bastards posting selfies in space: "Shoot them up. Leave them there."
July 7, 2021.
You couldn't post or comment for 3 days
You couldn't advertise for 30 days
You couldn't go live for 30 days

Earlier: "I hate pot. I'd probably burn the building down and hire a hit man."
June 7, 2021.
You couldn't post or comment for 24 hours

The first offense on Facebook, about a hypothetical pot smoker: "Beat him to death."
April 19, 2021.
We understand that mistakes happen, so we didn't restrict your account

I'm not ashamed of any of that. At all. Facebook is wussy.
And very stupid f*cking white. Sensitive!

I despise Trader Joe's dickhead products, space tourists, Mike Pence, and pot smokers.

I'm "on the fence" about literalists, computer simians, and AI.
As well as Mark Zuckerberg.

I wouldn't die in his hospital if you paid me.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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