Tuesday, March 22, 2022


There's a meme you probably seen where someone, trying to pronounce 'Worcestershire sauce, sounds like he's just had a sudden stroke to the other person. And in much of the English-speaking world, if they use that product, they probably call it 'wustasoz'.
Because English is seldom pronounced exactly as it looks.
As any Dutchman will tell you.

Fortunately, here close to a community that doesn't go for the confusion of English when it's too problematic, one can say 喼汁 ('kip chap'; "convenience juice", or, for keenly filthy minded individuals, "arse sweat"). As in 喼汁畀我,唔該。'Kip chap pei ngo, m-koi'. "Please give me the Wurtsersorisistercarpsastangkertopsirgarberder sauce". Much simpler, fewer (no) hissing or gagging sounds. Great as an addition to marinades or liquids added after sautéeing.

喼 does NOT mean Worcestershire. That's 伍斯特郡 ('ng si tak gwan'; "five thus special county"). And not a subject of conversation, so saying it might mean ellucidating it, and writing down the characters for your baffled listener, who would never associate it with cooking because it's English and goofy. 喼 ('kip') is a Canto character used phonetically. Quickly, cap, valise, etcetera. A mouth (口 'hau') on the left hand side, an easily written phonetic element (急 'gap') on the right.

急 ('gap') means quickly, urgently, in a rush, or convenience. By itself, it is found in the dictionary under (心 / 忄) plus five strokes.

喼汁 is found in many Hong Kong kitchens.
Because it is useful.

免治 ('min chi') MACANESE HASH

Lightly brown minced onion. Add some ginger and garlic. When fragrant add spices and curry paste, dump in a pound of ground meat. When the meat is cooked add dashes of soy sauce, fish sauce, and Worcestershire, plus a pinch of sugar, mix and remove from heat. Brown a small amount of cubed potato well, add the meat sauce. If necessary a jigger of sherry or rice wine. Garnish with chives or cilantro, serve alongside rice and fried eggs.
Make sure there is hot sauce or sambal on the table.

This or variations of it are also good added to chopped cooked vegetables of various kinds. In the month after I got out of the hospital (an urgent appendectomy) I made a large (humongous) batch of it with lots of coconut milk and chili paste.
It was convenient.

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