Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Whenever we waltz in to the karaoke place I am, often, peeved to find it filled with white folks. Who are too much like Kahn Souphanousinphone to make their singing enjoyable. "Hey man, listena me ahm singin'!" So it was with pleasure that I registered nothing but Cantos there. Um, too many of them. Including a creepazoid who is new in town.

Fortunately they let the white frightwig woman in the green spotlight onscreen do most of the singing. And she was good, it was a ballad from the eighties, which could have been nice.....
Louder than the siege of Beirut.

Kudos to the gentleman sleeping in the corner.

Having lived in Northbeach I can probably sleep through anything.
It's something I'm good at; I have experience.
My friend the bookseller mentioned last night that in lieu of wine he has gotten into the habit of having a cup of tea before bed. He too has experience sleeping, so it doesn't affect him. And, of course, it guarantees that one will get up at a reasonable hour.

It is rarely a good time for karaoke.
But always time for tea.

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