Thursday, March 03, 2022


A friend overseas takes issue with some of the things I've posted recently, writing: "watching Americans "make this all about them" and use the situation to attack their perceived narrowly national political "enemies" (who in all cases constitute about half of their fellow Americans, no matter from which side this is being done) just makes me sad.
I mean, if doing this gives you joy, zei gezund. you are part of a very large and inclusive club. and I suspect I have more excess joy to spare than you do. but it still makes me sad for you, because I like you."

Well now. I love the idea of him happily skipping through fields of wildflowers over there in the Shomron without a care in the world, wearing his tie-dye mumu and playing the Grateful Dead on his headphones, overflowing with an excess of joy.

Because joy is what it's all about.

On a forum for screaming leftwingers, the Indians, Pakistanis, Brazilians, and Argentinians are also filled with joy. Joy that Vladimir Putin has given the West a black eye, and joy that we're powerless to stop him. Also, absurdly, joy that Nato will soon be forced to give up the Falkland Islands and return the Islas Malvinas to their rightful owners. I note, by the way, that much of the non-Western world abstained from censuring Russia. They don't want their supply of smetana to dry up. That would lessen their joy.

So, to rediscover joy, I cruised into foreign news sites. Turkish drones. Drug smuggler arrested in Aruba. Obligatory corona tests. Excellent coffee is important for a good work environment. Mariupol without gas or electricity. What are we ordering online today? Manic crabs captured on underwater camera. Do Indians believe women make better politicians? We Muslims are treated like the sacrificial goat. Indian students stuck in Ukraine desperate for help. How mindfulness can make you a darker person. Why do so many babies and pregnant women in Africa die? Die Suche nach Moskaus versteckten Milliarden; Jachten, Immobilien, Geld – der Westen will das Vermögen von Russen im Ausland einfrieren. Warum das gar nicht so einfach ist. Coronavirus in der Schweiz: BAG meldet 23'023 Neuinfektionen und 132 Spitaleinweisungen, 7-Tage-Schnitt steigt leicht. Russen, die gegen den Krieg protestieren, gehen ein grosses Risiko ein – der Unterdrückungsapparat wird immer brutaler.

On the other hand, over in the Shomron, a blithe spirit is skipping gaily through fields of wildflowers wearing tie-dye and listening to the Grateful Dead.

Most of what I post on social media are pictures I've drawn. Like this one.
They do not make political statements, but colourfully reflect a quiet life mostly unconcerned with politics, the pandemic, tie-dye mumus, or wildflowers in the west bank. Instead, a cup of hot chocolate, skewers of chicken satay above glowing charcoal, a rabbit enjoying a cup of hot coffee and a smoke in his pipe, a butterfly, and Stonehenge. As well as a stuffed turkey vulture looking perky and rather pleased with himself.

I admit that I have not drawn a sprite amidst the wildflowers.

Joy, dear Jonathan, is gar nicht so einfach.

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