Monday, March 28, 2022


For the record: I am not an unbiased commentator. I like Will Smith, Chris Rock not really so much. Or at all. And I am pre-programmed by my upbringing and environment to have certain ideas about what one does and does NOT do. So, while I cannot really speak to the venue or the environment where it happened, I have a favourable impression of Will Smith belting Chris Rock, and think a sock in the jaw was well deserved.

I myself, had it been me and my wife there, I would probably have walked out when Chris Rock made his joke. Then acquired a two-by-four with rusty nails for the purpose of breaking Chris Rocks legs. But you know, that's just me.

I am not a succesful actor, don't habituate Hollywood, and do not have a spouse.
Nor do I watch the Academy Awards when it happens.

Despite a relative whose efforts have won Oscars.

Under normal circumstances I do not pay any attention to the lives of celebrities, and I rarely watch movies. I have seen most of the culturally significant films (some of them multiple times), excluding the entire range of bat, super, spider, and iron man flicks with the exception of two arachnids (which the company I worked for at the time thought it would be a lovely idea to have us see instead of work those afternoons), and for years I had no idea what fresh Prince of Bel Air was.
Since the Jedi came to rescue the heroes instead of letting those drippy wusses get ripped to shreds by monsters in the arena, I've avoided Star Wars. And I haven't seen a single one of the Star Trek things.
BTW: Independence Day, Men In Black, Apocalypse Now, King Of Masks, and Soldier Of Orange are movies which I've seen several times. Will Smith was in two of them.
And there are numerous movies I regret seeing even once.

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