Tuesday, August 02, 2022


A few years ago China put up even more defenses against the internet, in response to articles and essays critical of their reaction to the Hong Kong protests. This became evident when mainland visitors to this site, per my blog stats, went down to zero. So if I have any readers from the PRC they are government employees tasked with keeping an eye on foreign running dogs, and evenso it's quite unlikely that they're paying attention.

I flatter myself that my erudition and subtle wit might keep them enthralled, but the reality is that I am a very crude man, and nothing here is of any importance.

So I can go ahead and say what I think.

Which is that Winnie the Pooh must have soiled his diapers when Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan. It highlighted the complete inconsequentiality of his regime to American politics. We could take down his diplomatic representation several notches -- shut down that spy mission consulate at 1450 Laguna Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 and several others across the country -- as well as reduce staff at our own offices in that country, and while it might have economic consequences, we would be better off. Might as well also impose extremely severe limitations on the local Chinese press, because in the main those are Peking mouthpieces controlled from overseas. One or two exceptions, but mostly garbage.

Per China's Foreign Minstry, Pelosi's visit to Taiwan is "a serious violation of the One-China principle that will have a severe impact on the political foundation of China-US relations" and "seriously infringes upon China's sovereignty and territorial integrity". The One China principle was deepsixed by their own crackdown on Hong Kong, proving that they are unreliable (which was never in doubt) and that they need to be curbed.

"It gravely undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends a seriously wrong signal to the separatist forces for Taiwan independence"
-----China's Foreign ministry (中華人民共和國外交部)

"China has been compelled to act in self-defence. Any countermeasure to be taken by China would be a justified & necessary response to the US oblivion to China's repeated démarches and the US's unscrupulous behaviour".
-----Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Hua Chunying (華春瑩同志)

Hong Kong's leader (李家超) has also strongly condemned Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, but no one takes that clown seriously anyhow. Shut up you dogs.

It always irritates me when I see the flag of the People's Republic flying on buildings in Chinatown. They should burn that damned rag instead. Lord knows I can understand ethnic and cultural pride, but there should be no place in this country for any banners representing brutal repression and cavalier disregard for civilized norms. Communist China's rulers make even the corrupt and despotic last imperial dynasty look clean. 反共复民。

I am suprised that Donald Trump didn't kiss up to them.
That they're gangsters can't have been a problem.

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