Tuesday, August 23, 2022


It is a well known fact that Asian women lead exciting lives filled with almost operatic drama, conflict, and near-misses in dented vehicles. as anyone who is familiar with Ranma ½ (らんま 1/2), nichijou (日常), and Azumanga Daioh (あずまんが大王) realizes. Well, Japanese women, at least. It's been documented. Hundreds of manga and anime attest to it.
That and penguins. They love penguins.

Other East Asian women are not like that. Korean women calmly eat live squid, Chinese women from the mainland and Taiwan practise dance moves in the park to lively patriotic music praising the great leader, and Cantonese women (especially those from Hong Kong) habitually win at mah jong (a game of both witchcraft and skill), which teaches them how to sing karaoke and open charming boutiques selling stylish handbags).

The latter I learned from Weibo and Facebook.

So. Yelling and fast cars.



[Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS9csiX95dQ.]

Got that? It's kyu nin this year.
Yukari-san no kuruma.

As a middle-aged Dutchman it is of course incredibly hard to imagine myself inside the mind of an Asian woman. Despite the garlic flavour roast peanuts and the little Funwari Sucre cakes with vanilla cream filling I bought in Chinatown.
Mmm, they are delicious!

Never-the-less, I believe that Japanese women are excellent examples for all little girls to emulate. Far better than Barbie OR the "real" housewives.

"You won't trick me with that cuteness of yours!"

"You always say that in such a disapproving way."

I shared this with Shayne from American Benefits who was calling me from Connecticut this afternoon trying to sell me a low-cost plan that would take care of all my funeral expenses. He wasn't impressed. Sad.

Probably ate too many donuts.
Or he's married to Barbie.
Poor bastard.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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