Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Sadly, I seem to have lost my friend Jonathan on Facebook. He's unfriended me. Unlike Trepp, whom I didn't miss within minutes of being unfriended, I will miss Jonathan. I already miss him. Damned literalist. It was my FB remark that all I want for christmas is a massive wave of death among Republicans that appears to have tipped him over the edge. He has a soft spot for repubs, and believes that my wishing ill upon them is racism.


They themselves have insisted that all races have a place in red, white, and blue Fascism.

It's actually a keen sense of social justice, as well as a desire for security and safety. I want Obama Care to continue uninterrupted and undestroyed, because otherwise I'm dead.
They want to elliminate it, without anything meaningful replacing it.
So basically, they want me dead.
I'm returning the favour.

Republicans are a very real existential threat.

Jonathan lives in Israel (as does Trepp), so he looks at the United States (land of his birth) through rose-coloured glasses, refusing to acknowledge that the place has changed.
Plus of course he benefits from socialized medicine.
It clouds his judgement.

[For your reading pleasure: Jonathan on the balcony, Jonathan - shiputznik, Jonathan the Deadhead, and both firstly and lastly, Jonathan and Hello Kitty.]

I miss him, because even though he's often wrong, he's also thoughtful. And has wide ranging interests and a queer personality.

I'm sorry, Jonathan, I don't want them all dead. But if they catch disfiguring strains of syphilis and gonorrhea, that's quite okay. Especially Trump and his children. From each other.
Or Giuliani and Mitch McConnell.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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