Sunday, December 27, 2020


Did you remember to put the menthol cigarettes in your kids stockings? The reason I ask is because next year it will be hard to find little Johnnie's Mento Filter Kings, due to a ban on selling such products. When Aunt Margeret visits from Georgia, tell her to bring a carton for each member of the family, including the three year old.

According to anti-smoking activists, kids just love the cool minty flavour, they can't get enough of it. And you want to keep them happy, don't you? Provide them with the things you never had as a kid. Anything else would be child abuse. Remember, a carton of ciggies is CHEAPER
than a brand-new game controller. It will sharpen their focus when they study.
Anyhow, nine out ten doctors and child-psychologists, given a choice between menthol cigarettes and therapeutic marijuana, would recommend penguins.
They're fluffy and huggable.
And so polite!

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