Tuesday, April 21, 2020


There are many more indications of neurotic behaviour in the neighborhood. Perhaps the twenty somethings aren't taking shelter-in-place very well. The local street people are also more stressed out than usual -- survival on the cold bosom of the pavement is more difficult when there are fewer people about -- but the street people, though they may not be social per se, do need other human beings around them. Not necessarily because they must have an audience.

Our current president needs an audience.
It separates him from the bums.
Adulation equals causation.

When Trump finally dies, his funeral will be the worst presidential funeral in history. The attendees will (maybe) comprise his immediate family, plus slimy operatives like Lindsey Graham, Mike Pence, and Mitch McConnell.
And Trump's Slovenian immigrant wife.

I look forward to reading all about it.

Death by apoplexy, too many greasy hamberders, and possibly prescribed overdoses of finasteride and adderall. I'm sure the voters in the dumb states will be heartbroken. Truly devastated.
No more daily briefings.


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