Wednesday, March 18, 2020


One item which most supermarkets still have, despite the runs on supplies, especially canned goods, pasta, toilet paper, and hand sanitizer, is something everyone should have in their bomb shelter. Convenient, nutrititious, and doctor recommended. Well, not by my doctor. He's Chinese from Indonesia, and would tell you to just go across the street to the grocers in the opposite building, not the one that got closed down by the health department half a year ago because the owners were getting old and could not keep up with advances in food handling and storage here in San Francisco -- heck, as far as keeping up, they probably couldn't even jog in place on that score -- but the place with a clean meat counter and fresh kangkong, and bins of the cutest little baby cabbages. And surely you already stocked up on blocks of shrimp paste and jars of sambal?
As well as other things that keep for darned well ever.

But this is for you folks in the corn belt.
Somewhere outside of Lodi.


It's apocalyptilicious!

Just add some Lea & Perrins (喼汁 'kip chap') for an epicurean feast!

Or simply heat it up, garnish with canned peas and some pimento olives, and voilà! Betty Crocker, eat your heart out. It can also be barbecued, if you wipe it down first. Perhaps a honey-mustard glaze. Or buffalo wing style.

Cream of tomato soup and cumin: butter chicken.

Promotes social distancing.

It's epic food.


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All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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