Saturday, October 02, 2021


Some things are too much fun and shouldn't be allowed. At least until you're an adult and can act like it. I smoked two bowls of the big-mac-daddy-voodoo-queen-toxic-pus-blister tobacco today. See, if I have too much nicotine I turn into an unpleasant person for several hours ..... HH Rustica, by MacBarens. Made with nicotiana rustica ("mahorka").
It's quite potent, and high in nicotine.
But smooth and tasty.

I had thought to cajole the boss into smoking some, knowing full well that doing so risked ruining the day at the beach he planned with his wife later. Because I wanted him to at least experience it, and I'm an evil man. But his spouse came by to pick him up way too early.
Tomorrow, I guess. I've rubbed out enough to share. It's educational. No, I didn't bite someone's head off. Potent self-control! But gaining knowledge is a good thing.
Always budget for experiments, and take some risks if necessary.
Just in case, I've bought a second tin.

It's not quite as potent as you might think -- there's probably no more than twenty five or thirty percent rustica in it (my guess), but that's still plenty, and would up the strength quite a bit. So smallish bowls, contemplatively. It's like Old Dark Fired on steroids, mixed with something from the same source as the Balrog, an era before this world was created. Which smells nice. Dark.

Hobbits and their fanboys should not smoke this. It's not for them.
Too much for their sensitive little souls.
It's like the ring.

Same goes for people with interesting tribal tattoos which they do not deserve.
Sorry, guys, that just looks like punk style brassiere lace on you.
But hey, it's, like, totally unique.

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