Wednesday, October 06, 2021


Apparently calling Mike Pence a whore excites the ire of Facebook. As a statement of opinion, it is of course purely rhetorical, because in actual fact the similarities are quite slim. And given the role of prostitutes in ancient Greece, might even have been considered complimentary. Never-the-less, per Mark "spongy-face" Zuckerberg and his minions, it's just not done.

"You can't post or comment for 7 days"

"Your comment didn't follow our Community Standards on harassment and bullying"

What the ... ? What buggery standards?!?!

Given all the negative crap on Facebook, that's the rock on which they chose to make a stand? Good job, Facebook. Really making a point there.
Those eyes - they follow you around the room!

My piles bleed for Facebook's bollocky "community standards". Given that I've said far worse things there -- it's basically a cesspool anyway -- calling Mike Pence a whore because of his enthusiastic obsequiousness is mild in comparison, totally accurate, and a valid political statement. Mark Zuckerberg is a schmendrick and a putz.

I hope his in-laws don't invite him for Thanksgiving.

Nothing but candy corn for Hallowe'en.


Appeal: Calling Mike Pence a whore is both a valid political opinion and, given that it was not directed at him personally, cannot possibly be considered "bullying". Besides, he has been called far worse things, many other times, throughout his career. And it was clearly meant rhetorically, as the idea of him actually selling sexual services is quite beyond belief.
If anything, he gives them freely to anyone he worships.

[Venting] [Describes a despised political entity]

[Calling Mike Pence a whore is valid political commentary] [United States]
[Freedom of expression / News events]

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