Sunday, October 17, 2021


There are times when one is just glad to be home, and off work. Today I got to listen to two old rightwingers spewing, and what with being an adult, I chose to stay out of it and not tell either of the two crypto nazi cranks to brutally intercourse themselves. Of course, had it been a few hours later, when I was chockfull of nicotine and refined sugar, it would have been different.

I am not a nice person when I'm fully awake.

Nor when I haven't had my coffee.

Or had too much of it.

Or asleep.


Trust me, I'm a really nice guy! Why, if you met me, you'd leave exclaiming "what a delightful old dude!" Assuming that like far too many people you are a teenager and call anyone over thirty "old". Which to us adults is unrealistic.

My apartment mate, having recently started menopausing, sometimes refers to herself as "this dried up old hag", and from the severely distorted perspective of juveniles and their immaturity, that might be somewhat understandable ....... Of course she also sometimes calls me an "old guy" and asks if I need my cookies presoaked so I don't hurt myself.
So her point of view is off. And she needs glasses.

Herring-fed Dutchman. A delicacy that prepares itself.
She does not have cannibalistic inclinations.
She channels for the turkey vulture.

I am a very nice "young fellow". And damned well saintly. As you might have noticed from my not ripping the heads off the ancient Mussolini wannabees I mentioned in the first paragraph.

He's very tolerant!

Unpleasant old fossils!

My job could be broadly described as similar to baby sitting.
With a significant chastetory aspect.
Elderly rapscallions.

Today I chided one of the backroom boys about the time he takes peeing.
He claims that he reads while doing that.

He says he'll do better.
I'll time him.

And don't take your cigar in there!
It stinks!

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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