Monday, October 25, 2021


The news media locally mentions ticks (bugs, not nervous), swarming termites, a cheese crisis, and massive amounts of water. That last item is of interest, because having lived in a very wet country for several years, massive amounts of water is my natural environment. But this is California, and the local people aren't used to it. They are freaking out.

In historic times, massive amounts of water happened here.

It's well within living memory.

We are not Dune.

The reason why you should never live on the groundfloor or the top floor is insulation. It's as good as having airconditioning, and you're out of the floods. The same logic does not work when it comes to mental types, however, as living between a Fascist nutball gun owner and a communist vegetarian free spirit will see you caught in the crossfire. Centrism works best when it comes to the effects of weather on your habitation. Or food. In between bacon cheese everything and veganism lies a nice lamb chop.

It strikes me, at this early hour, after a walk for the first smoke of the day (half a pipe bowl, twenty minutes), that a nice lamb chop would be perfect for breakfast. Seared and still pink inside, a garlic peppercorn crust, plus some zippy chilipaste on the side .....

My apartment mate prefers things like oatmeal.

I think I'll go back to bed for an hour.

Not ready for California yet.

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