Thursday, October 14, 2021


The best dating advice EVER is "don't date people who make you feel like you have to hide your stuffed animals". The turkey vulture, and the raccoon who went to school in Germany (Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg) agree, as do the Froad, the octopus (Otto), all of the penguins, the snakes as well as the small lizard, plus bears and ovines. And a cute skunk.
The two Totoro-chans, while not being 'animals' per se, are also on board with that.

In fact, dating anyone who requires personal changes is a bad idea. What you are is what makes you likeable, and strongly influences what type of people you are attracted to.

"The reason why I wanted to go out with him is because he likes chili con carne, puppy dogs, rattle snakes, vipers, and cuddling.
And he voted for Carter.

Please note that Jimmy Carter last ran in 1980, so the person in question would be deeply into middle-age now. Break dancing will probably NOT be part of the programme. And neither will outrunning the velociraptors at Jurassic Park when you two go there on your honeymoon.
Some sacrifices will have to be made.
If this counts for a man, how much more so for a woman. The female of the human species especially should stick to her guns. Well before character traits, passions, pets, or hobbies, become deal breakers.

When I was living in Berkeley during my twenties I saw a woman who liked guns, for nearly a year. Her weaponry was never an issue, and she was a great person. I myself do not have a thing for guns, and I strongly believe that most people out there really should not have them. But it would not have been germane.

Earlier today Russ O. described two briar pipes as "rounded and thick-walled, and attractive", which sounds ideal for life companions as well. If you're seeing a person whose character can be described in those terms you're probably doing well.
It wasn't this exemplar, which I'm smoking now, but it well could have been.

It's currently filled with a nice English flue-cured medium tobacco flake that has a delightful old-fashioned recollective smell when smoked. Sunlight, black and white photos, printing presses, engineering departments, aerodromes, docks in Rotterdam, train stations, and the exciting and unusual approach to Kai Tak airport, especially during the typhoon season. Strong tea afterwards, and if it's late in the day, Scotch and water, or sherry.

If the person you are seeing is against vaccines and thinks ivermectin cures covid, all bets are off, however. He or she is a complete idiot.

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