Tuesday, October 19, 2021


There is no actual reason for me to have the word 'ovipositor' in my head when I woke up. Humans and other mammals don't have one (go ahead and prove me wrong), some insects and fish have them, and it is speculated that dinosaurs might have had them. I am not sure if Beanie Babies and Pokémon are supposed to have them. I suppose I could ask suburban blondes and juveniles, but I don't know any.

I will not show an illustration of an ovipositor in this post. They differ from species to species. Unlike say, the reproductive organs of mammals, which are all quite similar, or reptiles, birds, and amphibians (think 'cloaca'), which again show marked uniformity of design concept.

In case you were unware, mammals also have organs for producing milk.
Because of which, such things as white coffee and root beer floats are possible. So they're rather important.

Having been a draughtsman, naturally I think immediately of babbit metal alloys when drawing a schematic of the mammary gland. Graphicly fitting, although in real life adipose tissue is NOT composed of small hard crystals suspended in a softer metal. An important distinction.

I rather miss the day when my dreams before waking were filled with more exciting and relevant things, rather than reptilian ovipositors. I was a younger man then.

Before the first cup of coffee/rootbeer float hits the cerebral cortex thoughts tend toward the anarchical and inchoate. Arguably the mind is not much better afterwards.

If you had an ovipositor, you'd lay external eggs.

West Virginia mothwoman.

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