Tuesday, October 26, 2021


One of my favourite rabbis posted a link to an extensive list of pseudo sciences. Amazingly, only two people responded, one of them being myself, because I am an expert on the subject. Of pseudo science. Fake BS. Utter balderdash. The "I did my own research" stuff.
I humbly am a pseudo scientist.

I am from the planet Niburu and my tentacles glow in the dark. We invented colonic therapy, which you need. Ask me how.

One of the people I deal with fairly regularly did his own research, and completely refuses to be vaccinated. He currently believes that there are detention camps for freethinkers like him, and is keeping a low profile. Although, being a loquacious know-it-all with a big ego, he can't keep his damned mouth shut; everyone around him now knows that he's being hunted by the Bilderburgers and the New World Order.

"Dammit, we still ain't found the rebel! Zero in on the yackitty noise!"

What I need to do, obviously, is subtly plant the suggestion that if his arse itches, it's because "they" planted a tracking device within. What he needs is high saline irrigation, with a dash of witch hazel and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. That will get rid of it.
It's magic! Do your own research!

He's considerably older than me, and very opinionated.
Ignorant and stubborn too, incredibly so.
It's painful.

He's from Marin. A very spiritual and enlightened place.
Where some people are special and know it.
It's like Florida in a way.
But better.

The alien tracking device and the government tracking device cancel each other out.

Trust me. I'm a pseudo scientist, and I know these things.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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