Tuesday, October 12, 2021


Years ago some genius came up with the concept that panties should have the day of the week embroidered on them, an idea that ONLY makes sense to a man. Men's underwear rightly never has the day of the week. Why is that?

And it really doesn't matter what kind of feminine undergarment it is either: bikini briefs, French cut briefs, and high cut briefs. Even granny panties! The difference between all of these is that bikini briefs have a low waistband, French cuts have higher leg openings canted forward, high cuts have deep leg openings more in-tune with a natural design and a waistband slightly on the high side, and granny panties are big as a house boat and go up to the sternum.

To the very best of my knowledge, no one I know wears such things.
And no, I haven't asked. It's not that big of a deal.

I strongly suspect that women who do have a set don't pay much attention to what day of the week it actually is. Today is Tuesday, in case you were unaware.
Remarkably, there are no panties with the names of the month.

There are some men who would wear them.

It's an oversight.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

Men's underwear rightly never has the day of the week. Why is that?

Eh, we don't like painting ourselves into a corner.

The back of the hill said...

Afraid of commitment?

Babe Ish said...

The reason for days of the week on underwear is to remind their man.

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