Tuesday, October 08, 2019


Once a stalwart though seriously misguided politician, and John McCain's buddy, South Carolina Republican senator Lindsey Graham over the past three years has shown his true colours by becoming Donald Trumps virtual sex slave. In the process he sacrificed his principles, his own reputation, and any sense of decency. Much like most Republicans, much more so than many.

In an article from Politico, Charles Sykes fires off some zingers. It's kind of like aiming a high-pressure hose at the cow manure in the barn after a long winter; shit flies everywhere, there are some hardened encrustations, and horrible analogies start flowing south.

You know, when Southern Christians go rotten, everything smells like bad Bourbon and cattle arse. So light up a cigar, kick back, and enjoy the following choice bits.

The stank doesn't get any better than this:

"For the past several years, Graham has transformed himself from one of Trump’s fiercest critics, into one of his most reflexive defenders. --- The senator once known as John McCain’s best friend in the Senate, transformed himself into Trump’s shinebox, willing to ingratiate himself with rationalizations and praise even as Trump became increasingly erratic. "

"Graham and Trump became a thing. They played golf. They talked on the phone. And an alliance of the oddest imaginable bedfellows was born."

"Capitulating to Trump meant that Graham would become a rock star in the increasingly Trumpist party.""


"Graham calculated: If he didn’t play golf with Trump and indulge his penchant for pillow talk, Trump would be putting and chatting with Rand Paul, listening to the counsels of isolationism, appeasement and international amorality. He was not simply the adult in the room; he was the adult BFF in the room, who would temper Trump’s worst instincts."


"Despite Graham’s compulsive turd-polishing of the past few years, Trump didn’t even consult him before making the decision to abandon the Kurds. Graham, who had given up so much self-respect to prevent just this outcome, was not even in the room. He didn’t even get a text."

All quotes from The Humiliation of Lindsey Graham - Politico

At the root of it all, of course, was a horrible and unnatural opportunism. By whoring himself out to Trump, Graham hoped to have some influence over the rancid slug, and found himself sidelined once the president zipped up his pants.

Graham found out the hard way that you don't tango with a praying Mantis.

You'll get chewed up while still tweaking.

By the way, Lindsey, your team sucks.

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