Tuesday, December 13, 2022


In the days after the last presidential election, Republican scumsuckers angrily plotted and schemed to overturn the results and counter the will of the American people. As one would expect, because for the past generation the Republican Party has consisted of sharks and opportunists who make Brazil's Jair Bolsonaro look sane and balanced.
Some of the slimiest are, predictably, from Texas.
Texas equals BS with capital letters.

Mark, in seeing what’s happening so quickly, and reading about the Dominion law suits attempting to stop any meaningful investigation we are at a point of no return in saving our Republic !! Our LAST HOPE is invoking Marshall Law!! PLEASE URGE TO PRESIDENT TO DO SO!!
------Rep. Ralph Norman, Texas

Guys, if there was ever a time to stand with our leader who has strengthened our military, stood for life for the unborn, supported Israel, built the wall , appointed conservative judges ect. And we lay down and abandon him JUST BECAUSE THE BIASED MEDIA HAS CALL THE ELECTION?? Now is the time to fight and ADVOCATE for a recount in GA, AZ, Pennsylvania!! What our delegation is doing in SC is gathering on the statehouse steps on Tuesday to advocate for standing with our president and other arguments/options that are at our disposal. For anyone willing to discuss our game plan let me or anyone else know and let’s get on a conference call with concrete plans of action. I will go anywhere anytime to help our cause. Bottom line, it’s time we FIGHT FOR THE ONE PERSON WHO HAS CHANGED THIS COUNTRY!! WAY TOO SOON TO GIVE IN NOW!!
------Rep. Ralph Norman, Texas

Mark, Club for Growth wanted me to help in GA Dec 11& 12 on their bus tour, I’ve also been asked to help this wkend (while I’m still trying to spur people to get REAL winner of Pres recognized since without the Pres OFFICIALLY re-elected, we’re done). Would it be possible to ride AF One to GA Saturday? I’d only need a ride down since I’d stay there longer. Also if Pres had anytime I could drop by today, would love to see u both. -Thanks.
------Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas

Mark, When we lose Trump we lose our Republic. Fight like hell and find a way. We’re with you down here in Texas and refuse to live under a corrupt Marxist dictatorship. Liberty!
------Rep. Brian Babin, Texas

We’re in Philadelphia suing Pa. Sec. of State for her illegal meddling in this election and will continue to expose fraudulent actions. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to fight these MF’ers in Pa.? Our President is heroic !! Thank you for all you’ve done and please let the President know just how much he’s loved and appreciated in Pennsylvania!
------Rep. Mike Kelly, Pennsylvania

When is the 45 days up? What date starts the clock ?? Nov 3rd? If it is, then that is December 18!!! China bought Dominion in October for $400 million. If that’s not interference, then should have a report with details and specifics that would validate that either way. And if they didn’t…… Call me I have some fireworks coming out of AZ early tomorrow. Call me anytime, I’m up.
------Rep. Paul Gosar, Arizona

Please note: Louie Gohmert, America's craziest and dumbest congressman, and proponent of the terror baby theory, is the tea party dunderhead who famously insisted that homosexual astronauts would doom us all, because if an asteriod hit while they were up in space they could not possibly repopulate the earth.

He perfectly represents his constituency.

Paranoia, treason, and exclamation marks, run rife in the Republican ranks.
Will no one think about the exclamation marks?!?!?!!!!

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