Tuesday, December 27, 2022


The rain is not quite of bibilical proportions. They said "a wall of rain". As well as a mighty wind. Yes, no, this isn't that. But it is wet. Perfect day to stay indoors, and delay the first smoke until the apartment mate has left the building, so that I can close her door firmly, and open all the windows to air the place out. Which necessarily presents me with a question: "how much water do I want inside?" Maybe only two windows, and a pot of muck on the stove so that the fragrant steam circulating through the apartment will disguise whatever smell remains. Then leave for lunch early, allowing more time for odour erasure.

"Oh, it's freezing outside, my family won't allow me to smoke indoors, the heater on the porch is busted, I'm cold, even after setting fire to the stack of Christmas trees leaning against the garage I'm chilled and numb, my nose just fell off, the roof is smoldering, there are sirens in the distance, they've barred the door and are waving pitchforks, someone just threw garlic at me, how do you pipe smokers in the rest of the country deal with it?"

Well okay, compared to Bubba in Buffalo, and his trouble having a bowl in the winter of his immense discontent, I'm doing considerably better. I am mentally listing up the awnings in front of out-of-business businesses in Chinatown for my after lunch indulgence.
And I have an umbrella.
There's a very nice sturdy awning opposite the hospital. A broad and deep one in front of a jewelry store that's been closed for ages. Plus one in front of the radio store, and another good one at the herbalist who retired during the height of the pandemic.
I'm not completely at the mercy of the weather.

And it's rather unlikely that the tourists will come out and seek shelter there.

Heck, I can even smoke in front of the schools.

It's winter break, so no kids.

Hot beverages within two blocks of all of those.
Which means another pipe afterwards.

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