Friday, December 30, 2022


Yesterday was grey and rainy most of the day. Off and on. After preparing myself some river noodles with duck for lunch I wandered up near the top of Nob Hill, looking down towards Fisherman's Wharf. Sheltered by both an umbrella and an abandoned portico I smoked the Parker I bought from Marty years ago. Grey, silver, pale blue-green, and the faded gold of gingko leaves, many still on the trees. Peaceful.

After finishing I headed over to C'town for an egg tart and a cup of tea. All three of the regular Thursday crew were there, 'R' indicated that my timing was perfect; ten minutes earlier it had been packed. Well, I knew that. Rather, I suspected that that would have been the case. That's actually why teatime there is after four o'clock, to give them their time.
And because getting a seat then is pretty much impossible.

It was still raining, so all three gentlemen dawdled.
Discussion of dental coverage from the VA.
Not relevant to me, but I listened.
They left, and shortly afterwards I departed too. It was, for some reason, becoming crowded again. Tourists. Northerners, Indians, HongKongers. And some larger young white women who were overjoyed to find a welcoming port in a storm, with lovely pastries!

Afterwards I ended up puffing an Ehrlich Canadian which was also one of the briars acquired from Marty. When I asked Calvin about him a few weeks ago, I was told that he was fine, and still enjoying life. He's been retired for over a decade and a half now, so he must be getting on a bit. Still hale, though, from what I hear.

The awning of Foo Wah around the corner is a splendid place to hide out from the rain while smoking my pipe. Jackson Street is brighly lit, Kam Lok nearby bustles, the grocery store further up the street still has late customers, and the people-watching is excellent.

Foo Wah Jewelry is no longer in business. I think they retired.
Many shopkeepers have decided to do that recently.
Some new businesses have opened up.
Favourable rents.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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Neurotically I am obsessing about three things right now. The weather, a Comoy Tradition from the early fifties, and what to have for lunch ...