Saturday, December 24, 2022


For your consideration I wish to suggest Apocalypse Now as a Christmas movie. Reason being one of the old folgers in the backroom, who is having a dispute with his lovely wife over plans for Christmas eve dinner. She's East Asian, and though I don't know the dear woman, she's undoubtedly always right. Because I know him.

So, imagine the ship of their domestic harmony sailing up the Nùng River deep into hostile territory. Santa gonna be terminated. With extreme prejudice. The poor innocent goober and his delightful esposa, both of the age when people are retired, are on board. And he, being no longer as mentally acute as he was when still working (scarcely a year ago), is unaware of the icebergs and pink whales up ahead.

It's a second marriage for both of them. Decided upon after mature consideration and careful weighing of the pros and cons. Both of them have grown children.

He didn't know!! It was just hormones, an old goat in lust!

Sorry, that was the voice of reason interrupting. It shan't happen again.

What with being essentially a mean-spirited old crust, especially when it pertains to the old folgers in the backroom, you must assume that this situation puts a smile on my face.
Gets me in the proper christmas spirit. Fills my withered heart with joy.
It's been an exceptionally busy week. So I look forward to the coming few days when I shall not have to listen to the backroom spewing their meanspirited conspiracy theory b.s. and being utter pustules. That a few of them will not have optimum holiday celebrations, inebratory excess, or even their usual inane hi-jinx, is fine by me.

It will be peaceful and quiet in my life.

Merry Christmas.

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