Thursday, December 22, 2022


Work rips me down from the ivory tower and reminds me that I'm human. Despite my almost divine urge to clobber him with facts (or, sometimes, a spiked baseball bat), I patiently let him chatter on about how 9-11 was a gubmint conspiracy. Not because I'm a good Christian (not even close; judging by Christian behaviour that would mean 'murderously inclined') but because I really don't give a damn that he's batshit and quite stupid in several ways.
He's also an anti-vaxxer, and believes in ten-thousand year-old aliens.
Besides having goofy ideas about food.
And microchips.

Bless his heart.

I no longer argue with people like that. I just make sure they don't infringe on my off-work life. And I am extremely selective about whom I Facebook-friend. Relatively quick on the silently de-friend trigger. I am not the kind of person who lectures someone on precisely how they failed or disappointed before 'de-friending'.
And I already checked out their posts, their 'likes', and their comments, books, reviews, and whatever else I could find before even responding to their FB friend requests, so any transgender gun-nuts on my feed aren't fundies or neurotic gluten-phobes.

What that means is that I haven't had to 'houseclean' in several years. The batshit anti-vax dude is not on my Facebook. Never was, never will be. And I limit conversation with him.

Crazy, I'm not.

Well, you know what I mean.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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