Thursday, May 13, 2021


Three things:

1) The CDC says that the fully vaccinated need not wear masks indoors. Given that there are numerous reliable reports that the fully vaccinated can still catch, carry, and transmit Covid 19, unmasking is unwise. The unvaccinated can still catch it, and complacency is much more likely to further the spread among them. Especially as a number of people will refuse the vaccination, and leap at the chance to go unmasked. As many of them already do.
I know several idiots who aren't vaccinated, and will not be.
Some of them will probably die.
Wear a mask.

2) This Mid East mess is bringing out the cockroaches. On one of my favourite forums (one of which some friends would strongly disapprove, because it's where some aspects of pro-Israel advocacy are ripped to shreds for the sheer block-headed stupidity they reflect), some people have been blocked for advocating genocide. Which Jews and Israelis should especially abhor. Two points to keep firmly in mind: it's a lot easier to be true to your ethics in theory than in practice, and relative morals don't trump absolute standards.
One must take the harder route.

3) Stay out of the comments section underneath Ha'aretz articles. It's populated almost entirely by homicidal racists and idiots from all sides encouraging violence. Mucking around with them will get you muddied. It's quite a cesspool down there.

You wil kindly note that idiocy is a common theme.
These "pictures" are, in fact, the same.


1. Yes there are mutations in the flu, that's why the vaccine is updated every year. The flu also has "monstrous" mutations, those are the strains that make the news like the avian flu or the swine flu. But even those monstrous strains are not nearly as bad as this coronavirus is, that's why you get "only" tens of thousands of deaths instead of hundreds of thousands.

The reason we've had so many fewer flu-related deaths is because social distancing and masks work against the flu as well. It shows how much more contagious the coronavirus is, the precautions we all took were enough to block the spread of the flu virus but the coronavirus was still able to spread (though of course much less than had we done nothing).

2. Antibodies circulate in the whole body, and in any case they're only one part of the immune system that attacks the virus. And yes, in the clinical trials one of the first things they test is that the vaccine generate antibodies.

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