Thursday, May 13, 2021


Two years ago I reflected on changes in my life and a disassociation with the past. I was no longer in danger of dying at a bus stop beside a freeway in the suburbs, there were several shrinkages in my social circle, and I was less involved with certain issues than before.
These were very distinct improvements.

Reiterating what I wrote then:

There are now very many people with whom I no longer have the slightest interest in ever associating with in any way again.

One lawyer, who is paranoid about Obama coming for his guns.
One lawyer, whose motorized wheelchair is an offensive weapon.
One Russian Israel-activist, who is out of her frickin' mind.
One balding pro-Israel rightwing xenophobe.
One union activist.
One Belgian.
One Jack.
Several opinionated Polish-Americans, of several genders.
Several Muslims, several Levantines.
Several food neurotics.
Several Jewish literalists.
Several Jewish racists (one of whom moved to Jerusalem; good effing riddance).
Several people who supported Trump.
Several people who supported Bernie.
Plus many potsmokers, people with tattoos, Berkeleyites, and Christians.

It's been such a long time since I dealt with any of these people that some of them may be dead or institutionalized by now. And really, all of them deserve Nurse Ratchette and a cattle-prod. Plus a lid nailed on tightly.

[End reiteration.]

Of course I also miss having at least the pretense of a social life, before the pandemic.
But it's not that bad, and I never was very gregarious.

I also miss going to the barber.

Please note that the list above represents an elliminative process that began nearly a decade ago, and continued in fits and stops for several years.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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