Wednesday, May 19, 2021


For people outside the conflict zone, one of the worst things is the simple minded British and European blathering about what's going on. Folks on the other side of the pond, who normally despise darkies and immigrants ("those people don't you know"), also have stupid opinions about Jews. Which is not surprising, given their long history of Jesus-loving repression of minorities at home and savage genocides beyond their borders.

Of course there are also bloody-minded Turks, Pakistanis, and Malaysians vomiting repulsive holocaustian sentiments, but one can largely ignore them, because they live in societies which are vicious repressive shitholes ruled by corrupt religious bigots.
They are irrelevant in any case.

The Europeans have regretted their collective failure to completely eradicate the Jews since World War Two, and resent having been "liberated" from that enterprise by the unfortunate entry of the United States into the war, as well as many survivors of their erradicatory efforts skedaddling the hell out when given a chance.

They're still working on the Roma.

Let's see, savage conquest of many Asian, African, and New World territories, invention of the wholesale drug trade, slavery, and brutal extortion of resources. What the Netherlanders did in Indonesia, the English copied in India, the French perfected in Indochina, and the Belgians (started late, caught up) gohverdorrie surpassed in the Congo.
Several centuries.

Maybe Europeans and the British should shut the hell up?

That said, Israel could definitely do with some introspection on this score. Their rightwingers were co-responsible for the Sheikh Jarrah protests and counter protests getting entirely out of hand, as well as a ham-fisted approach to their minorities, and Netanyahu has proven himself a vicious and untrustworthy politician -- surely you remember him making Israel a partisan issue back in 2015? -- more than eager to jump into bed with crypto-Kahanists. This current defensive campaign has far more to do with Israeli domestic politics than any previous blow-up against Hamas (and Israeli domestic screw-ups did indeed play a major role there too), and while within Israel, governance has a reasonable pretense at evenhandedness, beyond the green line that cannot be convincingly claimed.


Hamas, naturally, saw a chance to become relevant again, and uncritically leapt at the opportunity. After all, most of the international community had forgotten about them butchering every member of the Palestinian Authority they could lay their hands on (2007 - 2015). Given that the Quartet was hesitant to lend aid and release funds to a murderous terrorist group (odd, one would've thought that the Europeans had no such scruples), Hamas needs support from outsiders with a bone to pick (Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, and Malaysia come to mind).

The Palestinian National Authority, of course, is delighted to see Gaza getting clobbered, the European and the English support for Hamas is defined by happily indulging in the mothers milk of anti-Semitism, minority university students in the United States can stick it to the man by ganging up on Jews ("whitey"), while left wing Americans (and much of Academia) can show how nicely European-minded they are, as well as Trump-hating, by writing condemnation upon condemnation of Israel and protesting outside diplomatic offices and synagogues. None of the aforementioned actually give a flying intercourse about dead civilians in Gaza, but good lord this is so convenient, as well as politically correct.

On the right in the US, the Oath Keepers, Three Percenters, Proud Boys, and other neo scum, are fairly silent. The Jews have replaced them as targets, and they really don't mind a bunch of muzzies getting killed. It's all good.

There have been attacks on Jews in Toronto, Los Angeles, Paris, London, and other places.
Here in the Bay Area, Berkeley and Oakland have had anti-Semitic incidents.

I'm entirely not surprised at Berkeley and Oakland.
The East Bay is mostly garbage.

Oh yeah, Facebook.
That too.

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