Wednesday, May 05, 2021


There are times when instead of being a California native (though having spent over a decade growing up elsewhere when my parents went to Holland), and a resident of the Bay Area proud of our place and our time, I feel like I just landed here from Mars and am in distress observing the howling natives engaging in naked cannibalistic orgies.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Damned weirdoes.

"We are offering a restorative community circle, to support White students who would like to discuss how the trial, verdict, and experiences related to the George Floyd murder are impacting you."

------Cheryl Wozniak, assistant superintendent of educational services
Piedmont Unified School District

Support circles were also held for Black and Indigenous people and other people of color (BIPOC), and African-American and Black students.

"The sessions were met with scrutiny by staff and students alike, who expressed concern over the segregated nature of the sessions and the fact that white students were seemingly supported more than students of color."

[Source: Piedmont schools apologize for offering support circle for white students after Chauvin verdict.]

What was this? An attempt to keep the Caucasians from rioting?
Enforced drum circle Iron Johnism?

Hand holding?
Did they weep and wail, and gnash their teeth?
Difficult with expensive orthodontry!
The feels, dudes.

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