Sunday, February 02, 2020


My deep-seated urge to irritate sports fans takes a back seat today as the Santa Clara team plays a team from Kansas. In fact, I won't even be at work, but at a restaurant having a nice quiet lunch. The best team will win, and the local fans will set fire to a Muni bus in drunken outrage.

The wait-staff at the place where I'll be eating are all women. No, I'm not going there to find a girlfriend. I like the food, and I know that it will be peaceful. I'm thinking something tasty that would probably horrify my doctor, which will go well with both Sriracha hotsauce and a cup of strong milk tea.
Afterwards I'll wander around Chinatown smoking my pipe.

The streets of the city will be quiet, hardly any traffic, few people around, almost no tourists. It will be perfect.

When I go in to work on Monday, I will be fully prepared to state that it was the best game ever, how sad that your team didn't win, but honestly, they just weren't very good this year, and kind of totally sucked.

I will say "there there", in commiseration.
With every pretense of sincerity.

The only reason to be in a place where everyone is watching the game is the pizza. Almost no one will be paying attention to the pizza.
I am not that fond of pizza.

I might even have TWO cups of milk-tea.

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