Monday, August 28, 2023


Coming back to the city from Marin County, a place with more tourist idiots, entitled ding dongs, and spiritual yoga practicing special white people than you can possibly imagine if you never leave San Francisco, the stop in Sausalito near Games People Play is chock-full of folks seeking answers to their deepest most existential questions.
Which the driver is then hard-put to answer.

No, we don't go to Fisherman's Wharf. No, we aren't going to Union Square either. No, we don't accept Euros, Apple Pay, credit cards, spiritual blessings, or Muni passes.
And we don't give out change. We. Don't. Have. Cash.

Then again, same questions and answers at the Golden Gate Toll Plaza. And near the Palace of Fine Arts. And on Lombard Street.

From which one must conclude that many bus drivers are saints.

My response would be succinct and brutal.

Get off my damned bus!

Of course the best tourist outburst (there are frequent episodes of kvetch and shrai) is when someone is outraged, OUTRAGED! that it will cost them eight dollars and fifty cents to get back to SF. Why, in Bupkes, Mississippi, or Podunque, France, they could get back to somewhere for pennies! Free! The locals would pay to see them leave!

That, plus the information that this bus will not go to Fishermans' Wharf or Union Square, often prompts them to angrily snap "we'll wait for another bus".

There is no 'other' bus. Not one that goes to the city. The only one will be the next one with the same number, that will cost the same and also won't go anywhere near F wharf or U square. It will come in another hour.

BY THE WAY: What on earth made you believe that Covid is over? Don't you read the news? At all? Yes, I know you do not wear masks, underwear, or even deodorant where you came from, but fergawdsakes, very many of you are from India or Italy, and y'all had horrible things happening during that first year of the pandemic, so why aren't you exercising precautions, common sense, AND courtesy toward people around you? Oh, wait, that's why you had that stuff going on. The rest of you are probably from Mississippi or Colorado, and might not be able read beyond words of one syllable. Masks and Covid are two.

Post Scriptum.: I like humans!

Underwear: 4.

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