Thursday, August 31, 2023


One of the people in England posted earlier that it had rained all morning. Which suggests that somewhere normal weather is finally returning. And I note that here in San Francisco it is exactly the same temperature as Yorkshire whereas in Kuala Lumpur ("muddy estuary"), at mid to high seventies, it is cooler than in Sacramento.

We need to send a colonialist military force to Sacramento. That will set things right! Install punkahs everywhere! Sacramento, by the way, does not show up on the Chinese map that is causing such a stir internationally, with damned well everyone else in that region squawking in outrage and registering diplomatic complaints. Including all people with the Patel surname. As a Dutchman, I have a warm feeling about South East Asian outrage. We thrived on it for close to four centuries. There has always been plenty to go around anyway.

Put Sacramento on that map. That will teach them!
And build an airfield too, while you're at it.

Anyway, I'd far rather be in Yorkshire.
Probably the first time anyone has ever said that.
Compared to Sacramento, Yorkshire is a paradise.
Practically heaven on earth.
Good food, too.

A cold weather system is moving into Northern California over the next few days, bringing the possibility of rain. Which means that it will be perfect pipe smoking weather. So you should expect Yorkshire men to pop out of the woodwork all over the place, muttering 'ooh-arg' while happily lighting up their crusty briars, then heading over to a likely chachanteng in Chinatown for a spot of milk tea and a bite to eat. A welcome relief from all those hick tourists from Alabama and Mississippi currently infesting the city.


You may note that I have a slight disdain for hot weather, certain parts of the United States, and the weak bog water commonly masquerading as a potable caffeinated beverage in far too much of this country.

Yorkshire makes good strong tea. Hong Kong makes good strong tea.
America makes a lightish flavour-free liquid they call 'chai'.
Available at every chain patronized by yuppies.
And, possibly, Sacramento.

Sacramento hit 95° yesterday, San Francisco was 87°.
Oakland? Who cares? It's rebel-held territory.
Tomorrow should be lovely.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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