Saturday, August 05, 2023


College kids, as is universally acknowledged, are responsible for some mighty stupid decisions. Which is probably why every men's magazine ever has done hundreds of illustrated specials on "girls of the pac ten", "girls of city colleges", "girls of Protestant Seminaries", "girls of the reform schools", and similar articles. When I was at college I may have committed one or two minor errors of judgement. Nothing deserving of publication. Fortunately cell-phones and internet video did not exist then.

[There is in fact a video extant of me doing 'Gangnam Style'. Over a decade ago. When I was still young and stupid. Coffee played a role. To the best of my knowledge it has never been put on the internet. A fortuitous omission.]

The court case for which I was a juror involved stupid decisions by a student at a local institution, some dude throwing up on the sidewalk, and a vehicle after dark.
There was doubt. Abiding conviction was missing. Holes.
Resulting in a hung jury.

The defendant has not been found guilty nor exonerated.

Neither attorney proved her case, definitely not beyond a reasonable doubt. That being the doubt of a reasonable person, as the majority of us were. Myself I'm excluding from that category, because if you've read this blog previously you might doubt my reasonability. Especially concerning your favourite orange-faced buffoon.
Or the prison camp thug from Florida.

Ate in the Tenderloin during lunch. Because the court is near it's largest demographic.
Lets just say that it was a pipesmoking adventure. I am now more familiar with the Tenderloin than I have been in years. Food is the great empty spot on the map there. My calves hurt a bit, because walking for several blocks can be slightly problematic, due to some circulatory issues in the legs. Though my other cardiologist did say (exact quote); "There is NO ulceration, good!" Exercise improved blood flow.

Naturally I had a pipe in my mouth while walking. It's enjoyable, and it creates a false impression that I'm a serious man. Gosh will ya just look at all that gravitas!

I think whenever anyone asks in passing how I'm doing, I should just answer 'there is NO ulceration, good'. How did I like my meal? There is NO ulceration, good! What did I think about the baseball game? There is NO ulceration, good! Which way is Market Street?
There is NO ulceration, good!

Smoked over a dozen pipefulls (different pipes) during beatiful days suThere is NO ulceration, good!rrounded by dogshit and stumbling eccentrics whenever time permitted. Why, I had a wonderful time. Deep thought inducing. Digestion benefitting.
And did I mention gravitas?

There is NO ulceration, good!

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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