Sunday, August 06, 2023


Yesterday was a killer. And not only because the rabid Trumpite dingo in the back stiffled all conversation with his venomous comments and sheer vicious meanspiritness. I suspect that some of the other diaper wearing old men are staying home with their long-suffering wives and family because they cannot stand being around him and his need to be the centre of attention, or his downright stupid illiterate nastiness.

It it weren't for buckets of caffeine and a saintly tolerance, I would stay away also.
But it does contribute mightily to my dislike of Marin.
Marin is the centre of entitlement.

Pretentious dickheads, Karens, important people, spoiled brats.
And tourists from France, Germany, and Italy.
Drawn like flies to Sausalito.

Yes, there are some exceptionally splendid folks there, particularly a man who makes lovely quiche and shortbread and collects GBD Rhodesians, a retired photography professor, and a long-suffering busdriver who picks up all the tourists in central Sausalito on my trip back to civilization.

Many of the remaining people, however, are more than average loathsome. Including most particularly the dummies who are antivax, or new-aged, or maga-cultists, or so blisteringly "enlightened" that all the rest of us look like black holes beside them.

Many of them are "artistic". And keenly "meaningful".

Some of them have deep wells of "spiritual".

Marin is one of the main reasons I often talk to myself. In tongues. Cursing in every language at my command except English. Marin is like a sebaceous cyst. Ready to pop and spray everything nearby with little bits of ambulatory bio hazard and bad karma.
Do not let your children date anyone from there.

Smoking a pipe in Marin is a good way to ensure both sufficient social distancing as well as keep psychologica trauma at a safe distance or at least contained. Most of the women there will stay away from you lest your old-school poison rub off or infect them.
They'd like to curse, but, you know, refined sensitivities.
Some habits are just unbearable!
How nasty!

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