Saturday, September 03, 2022


This blogger is a firm believer in visual aids. Many people benefit from a visual component to an explanatory text that helps throw everything into sharp relief and provides clarity. Newspapers and textbook publishers discovered this along time ago.

Even "narrative", such as might be the chosen format for billable hours on a lawyer's invoice for simple people -- work performed for a governmental agency, for instance -- is made much clearer with a helfpful graphic.

There is probably not a single subject on earth that does not benefit from a helpful illustration or a diagram.

As the example below clearly shows.
This is something I should print out, fold, and insert into my passport. It will streamline things at international airports, and make customs and immigration a breeze.

I recommend that you do the same, although if you are NOT a Dutchman (or Dutch American), you should probably insert the correct ethno-cultural identity for yourself.

Avoid the word 'Hobbit'. Some officials are Orcs.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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