Friday, September 09, 2022


Yesterday was a learning experience. I neglected to tell several deserving individuals to go congress themselves on the internet. Largely because I've reached the age where I do not wish to fight people who are rectums. I will simply ignore them until they either are wiser or have passed on. Let someone else rip their heads off.
After all, I can ghost them, while passive aggressively making fun of them on my blog or saying meanspirited things about them.

Or both. All of the above.

Basically my same response to the old intercoursers in Marin. With whom I must deal while at work. The gentlemen who use their spongy sit-upons more than their brains while huffing stogies in the backroom and pontificating ignorantly.

Right-wing cigar smokers.

Today is a work day. I want you all to know that I am a ruddy saint, a goldarn fabulous solid gold diamond-tipped saint. With halo and bells and totes awesome saintliness.

Because I have not killed anyone yet.

I'm surprised no one has written a book about me.
Or lights candles and incense.
BSE, babies.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.


Anonymous said...

This coming from a guy who insisted ‘black lives matter’ while ignoring their blatant marxism and anti-semitism.

The back of the hill said...

Aside from being two accusations largely discredited by several organizations, how the buggery fuck is that even one iota relevant to this post?

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