Thursday, September 22, 2022


A fellow pipesmoker posted a video to a pipe forum of which both he and I are members. The video featured a well-known Dutch pipesmoker -- no, not myself, and not the "Dutch Pipe Smoker"; there's more than just two of us, you know, it's a big world -- lecturing about Peterson's Perfect Plug.

Which I tried once.

Didn't like it.

Anyway, Jan Kusters, the pipesmoker in question, seems to enjoy it, and I ascribe that to his peculiar Swedish Chef tendencies, which to a very limited extent I share.



Other points we have in common, besides smoking pipes, are that he also likes tea, and we both speak God's own language, which gave birth to the Bible, the plays of Brederode and Vondel, and the vibrant prose of Johan Fabricius.

Not quite sure how the Swedish Chef fits into all this.

Anyhow, I'm heading out to have tea now.
Might have an answer later.

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