Monday, February 14, 2022


What with being uninvolved in a loving caring sexual or romantic relationship of any kind, the most significant thing I'll do today is get used to my new haircut. Which is short, neat, and very Krautish. Courtesy of kitchen shears and an hour in the bathroom naked in front of the mirror.

I keep feeling the back of my head now. It feels like someone else.

Since the pandemic started I've done my own hair.

I will not feature a selfie here.

At present I look liken a scrawny prison official. Herr Kommandant Otto Bremsen.
All of you will be punished. Rubber truncheons, less gruel.
Either that or you will be rewarded with extra tobacco this week, courtesy of Das Staatliche Tabakherstellungsmonopol. Whichever way, it will profoundly improve your lives.
You shall NOT trade it for stockings and chocolates!

In another hour or two Herr Kommandant Bremsen will go enjoy his unromantic lunch at a chachanteng, afterwhich he will finish his delicious regulation cup of milk tea (gemacht auf Hongkongischer art), and follow that with a contemplative smoke. Because tobacco benefits the mood of an administrator of an Eastern European Re-education Facilität, as well as the intellectual miscreants consigned to his tutelary skills. Das ist ein befehl.

It is not unlikely that at some point in the not too distant future Otto Bremsen may surface as a Facebook profile. Stern, unromantic, efficient, and an afficionado of classical music.
Ein kultivierter und gebildeter Mann.

I look like I need a riding crop.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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