Sunday, November 01, 2020


A person whom I shall not name wrote recently: "This is an embarrassing post for me. Samarra is classified as an "English" blend, contains the Satanic Cyprian Latakia, and I like it. I only admit to this because it's Friday and anyone who ever quotes me on this will suffer. A lot."
End quote.

There's Samarra in that there briar

Well okay.

Ahem... what he said, and I quote, was: "Samarra is classified as an "English" blend, contains the Satanic Cyprian Latakia, and I like it."

Let us not forget that.

"Samarra contains Latakia, and I like it."

Did everyone in the back hear that? He said "Samarra is classified as an "English" blend, contains the Satanic Cyprian Latakia, and I like it."

We all have a few shameful vices.
Things we dare not mention.
Pineapple on pizza.
Heh heh heh.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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