Thursday, November 12, 2020


Reading Teen Vogue is not something I normally do. But an article linked elsewhere caught my eye. White Women’s Support for Trump Remains High in 2020 Election

Per the article, 55% of white women voted for Trump. What that means is that more than fifty five percent of white women are insane, because obviously not only Trump voters are insane. All women who voted for Trump are insane, but not all insane people voted for Trump. And there were, obviously, insane women who were not white and Trump voters who were not women. But probably wanted to be.

"In 2016, when given the choice between a woman whose record includes stints as first lady, U.S. senator, and U.S. Secretary of State, versus a man who was accused of sexual misconduct by more than 20 different women prior to the 2016 election, a plurality of white women opted instead for the latter ... "

And, regarding the 2020 election:
"As a voting bloc, white women seemingly doubled down in their support of Trump, opting to align themselves against science, reproductive rights, diplomacy, and economic solvency in support of the spoils they (we?) reap as secondary benefactors of white privilege. We know that white women tend to vote along policy versus demographic lines, so is it safe to assume that white women don’t care about the rising death toll caused by this pandemic?"

It is probably safe to assume that.

And that most of them were Christian too.

It's a Venn Diagram from Hell.

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The back of the hill said...

Cynthia said: "I think a lot of cis women are jealous of the fact that trans women perform femininity better than they do. This is the kind of infighting amongst women that is encouraged by the patriarchy. It’s preferable to make women compete and fight each other for validity." End quote.

Not having any significant exposure or social experience with cis women, I can't address that. Reading status quo for patriarchy, encouraging competition and infighting lower down the totem pole is something all power groups do. Not necessarily clearly thought out, but it is intrinsic to their staying at the top ends of the totem pole.

Cynthia said...

So Savage Kitten is trans?

The back of the hill said...

Oops, sorry, I'm still not good with the cis and trans terminology, what I meant was trans, not cis.

Like so: Not having any significant exposure or social experience with TRANS women, I can't address that. Reading status quo for patriarchy, encouraging competition and infighting lower down the totem pole is something all power groups do. Not necessarily clearly thought out, but it is intrinsic to their staying at the top ends of the totem pole.

Savage Kitten is, then, cis. Monthly bleeding and all that.

Sorry for the confusion.

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