Sunday, January 29, 2017


Regular readers know that this blogger is a descendant of Dutch and English settlers who came over in the era when the Netherlands was still in charge of New Amsterdam, that the Dutch Reformed Church was our religion until four generations ago, that "Dutchness" dominates in my mental universe, and that I speak, read, and write Dutch.
I also lived in the Netherlands for several years.
And consider myself both sides:
Dutch and American.

So, it is with particular ire that I read what Geert Wilders had the effrontery and bad taste to tweet recently.

"Well done @POTUS it's the only way to stay safe + free. I would do the same. Hope you'll add more Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia soon."

-----Geert Wilders

My dear Mr. Wilders;

Val toch kapot, grof stuk schorem. Gij vertegenwoordigt werkelijk het allerslechtste element van Nederlanders, en het ergert veel van de beschaafde wereld dat ge nog leeft, nog immer niet vermoord bent, en nog steeds uwen walgelijke meningen voort spuwt.

Redelijk Nederland -- de meerderheid -- is uwe onzin zat.
Alsmede uw verachtelijke en voorspelbare reetlikkerij.

Mischien zoudt ge eens uwe bek dicht moeten houden? Wat gaat het u aan wat de Verenigde Staten doen? Gij, en uw mallote fanklub alhier, zijn om van te kokken.

Krijg de kolere.



In all honesty, Geert Wilders is a piece of crap, his followers in the United States are garbage, and his approval is damning, and proof that something is utterly beneath contempt.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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