Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Whoever thinks nature is benevolent and harmless may need their head adjusted. Nature, usually, is malevolently apathetic. Homicidal psychosis is a natural phenomenon, as are also several highly venomous creatures who use their toxins for fun and profit, and to great effect. A black widow spider is a natural phenomenon. Highly succesful, too. Frequently no man in their household, lots of absorbable proteins, and many more soon where that came from, when the egg mass hatches.

Every time one flies back to California, when there are glowing patches thousands of feet below, one knows one is home. Forest fires tell us we no longer have to fear New Yorkers with their snooty attitudes; they quail before the ferocity of our natural environment.

Probably explains all the tourist blobbos in our urban areas sneering at drug addicts and the rabid homeless. They dare not go into the interior and contest the terrors that lurk there. Amidst the trailer parks and suburban haciendas, strip malls, and manicured lawns.

The inhospitable sasquatch mating areas.
A savage and terrifying wilderness.
Rattlesnakes and moose.
The East Coast is not like that at all. They have pounded both nature and the aboriginals into submission. The final straw was Yoko Ono performing. Nothing left but the cold silence of the grave, giant pet rats in their sewer systems, and squabbling over who makes the best pizza like pudgy well-fed British gentlemen.

These are things I often think about when on my way home from work I pass by a local East Coast pizzeria. I've had their food. It is good. But a flat greasy slice, if you look at it from the right angle, resembles nothing so much as fresh roadkill. A poor beast squashed flat by the thundering big rig of life, stuck to the steaming potholed asfalt of somewhere effing ghastly like Massachusetts or Queens. A rabid skunk, perhaps, now tamed by the sneers of some yobbo who talks like "that". And, the final insult, covered with "cheese".

Still, one agrees with Jon Stewart. It could be worse.
Chicago deep dish oily dough casserole.
Acid indigestion in a skillet.

I like pizza.

Dreamed of it last night.

There is nothing that says "New York" like Yoko Ono.

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Monday, May 20, 2024


It wasn't till I had lit up that I remembered that by the time I would finish, there might not be anywhere in Chinatown to have a cup of HK style milk tea. Both bakeries I patronize would have shut for the day. Since the pandemic, almost everyone closes at six. C'town, sadly, had become a bedroom community. And being at the top of Nob after five, even if I hurried it wouldn't happen.

What with being a bit of a loner, there wasn't a single place that suggested itself as a good alternative. And what with being neurotic and on the spectrum I didn't feel paricularly like venturing out of the shell to discover new things late on a Monday afternoon.

And why the heck am I trying to justify myself?

Lunch had been an easy plate of a mashed potatoes, chopped mustard greens with ginger sauteed till soft, and a grilled wurst. With mild spices, salt and pepper, and a hefty sploodge of sambal (between four and five tablespoons) added to the hot pan. Not reflective of any particular cuisine, but something a typical college man years ago in the Netherlands or Belgium would probably have recognized and liked. Stoemp, deconstructed.

Added benefit: the smell of meal preparation would drive the hint of tobacco out, and with the windows open there is no chance of my apartment mate suspecting that I spent the whole day puffing away. Plus it's a good thing she has a bad sense of smell.
Also, I had shut her bedroom door as soon as she left this morning.
So there is no way any of the stuffed creatures reek.

Unlike Hong Kong or Kuala Lumpur, it is not warm enough to spend the entire day outdoors, there is no tiled area out back with a corrugated overhang shielding the man, his pipe, and a typewriter from the occasional rains -- there are no occasional rains here either -- and coffee shops that encourage college students to spend all afternoon in a smoke-filled environment poring over their textbooks, scribbling notes, and lighting up, such as Berkeley once had in abundance, no longer exist.

No hard-working college students. No kittens. No bearded intellectuals.
No smoke-filled cafe mezzanines reeking of Gauloises.

Yesterday afternoon two of my favourite Dutch Americans spent several hours being social with other pipe smokers. I observed from the sidelines. I cannot do that. Often, after roughly twenty minutes of butterflying-socially I will excuse myself.
Today was down time. More or less.
Much needed.

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One of the sad things about middle age, medications, and a less than optimum diet for the single man, is that mornings are frequently marked by a disquiet of the stomach. Coffee, although a great blessing, is not of any great help. It does, however, lead one to conclude that one would have made a great colonial administrator on the frontiers of empire: Upper Burma, the Khyber Pass, Greater Syria, and American Universities. All places where heathens, ghazees, headhunters, and illiterate savages would like to hold sway.

As a man exposed to much colonial history, Indonesian languages plus Latin, and accounts of early twentieth century conflict, I would have been anxiously awaiting my next shipment of books, newspapers, potted shrimp, thick cut marmalade, and fine tobacco, while organizing church raffles for the villagers drawn to Christianity and the benefits of literacy.

Otherwise known as keeping the horrid missionaries happy.

While strenuously avoiding their company.

When I first got to Berkeley many years ago, potted shrimp, decent marmalade, good tea, and sambal of any sort, were impossible to find. It was almost like some horrid Protestant commune! The only light in the tunnel was that exceptional tobacco was available.
Naturally I have read Kipling, Maugham, and Orwell. In addition to a lot of Dutch East Indies literature (the brightest spots in an expanse of otherwise dreary stay-at-home scribbling in the same period). From the fall of Napoleon till the nineteen fifties was both a dreaful time and a golden age. Since the hippie era, however, Western society has gradually become more self-righteous and puritanical, disapproving of nearly everything that is good. And Americans have always shied away from stuff like potted shrimp (no great loss) as well as any actual pleasures of the flesh. We thoroughly enjoy reading about other people indulging in such things then falling deservedly off their pedestals -- hence the popularity of celebrity biographies, pornography, and food writing -- but mentally most regular people in America would be quite at home in the Midwest or Tennessee.

That probably accounts for Maga roaches sneering at California.
We've got hot tubs, hot sauce, and hot weather.
It's self-indulgent, is what it is.
We are sinful!


Excuse me while I light some patchouli and dance around a craven image.
Okay, back now, sorry for the interruption.
It's a California thing.


Recently I acquired six bottles of a hot sauce for which there will be a several months-long production hiatus due to insufficient chili harvests. It takes over a hundred days of consistent hot weather to produce a satisfactory crop, and the region where that company sources their material from has been experiencing drought for a few years. Unfortunately it's become a cult favourite -- everyone except vegans in Berkeley and emotionally crippled savages living in the fly-overs has glommed onto their product -- and demand is too great to ensure a consistent supply of the prize condiment.

There won't be enough to re-start production till late August at the earliest.
Assuming that this year they have a decent harvest.
Which is a big if.


Time for more burning incense and twirling.
Surely you understand the need?


Six large bottles. That, plus several other chili producst, should keep me happy until supplies resume. Life in these parts is darned well unendurable without hot stuff. Chilies, as you know, are a valuable source of fibre, vitamins, and essential nutrients. And they make bland American food edible. It's like British food with far less grease.

I cannot for the life of me understand why we have an obesity problem here.

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It truly says something about a regime when the only countries lamenting the aircrash death of a leader are repressive sewers like Russia and Turkey. Aside from terrorist organizations and hard-line clerics. And South Africa.

Also, quite likely, student leaders all over America are weeping into their oatmilk lattes.
Maybe that twit Greta Thunberg too. They'll probably invite her to the funeral.
We should send a wreath. Poison ivy.

What with being a rather petty vindictive sort, I think I will have cake today.

On the other hand, several friends are stuck in the stinking effluvial parts of the world where religious leaders and blowhard political hucksters standardly spew venom, to great popular approval (Florida, Malaysia, Turkey, and such places), so I shall diplomatically abstain from gloating on Facebook. Reason being that I do not want their faculty colleagues to take offense, report them to the morality police, and cause them to lose their jobs.
Well, maybe not Florida. No evidence that anyone there can read.

Besides, it is dreadfully bad form to gloat over death.

Gloat, gloat, gloat, gloat, gloat!
In news of other completely unrelated developments, and returning the conversation to me, because this blog is an egoproject as well as a soapbox: The work week was spent gloating over fine pipes and getting progressively higher than kites on caffeinated beverages. I was quite giddy by the end of it, and possibly unbearable. But please don't worry! Both coffee and tea are full of antioxidants, help flush the kidneys, and are beneficial to both weight loss as well as Europe leaving the Dark Ages four centuries ago and going on to rape and pillage the rest of the world and develop the printing press, modern medicine, and liberal humanism.

World wars would be impossible without such things!

Without them, in addition to the cafeinated beverages, police departments would find it difficult to clear quads of pesky pup tents. And rightwing blowhards might sound even stupider than they normally do, which would be truly horrible.

These are all matters I shall be possibly pondering while poncing around the downtown this afternoon smoking my pipe. Filled with a tobacco product developed during the last gasps of the imperial age, when civilized countries ruled the world, exploited the natives, and brought light to the benighted savages.

I am still as insufferable a liberal as I was, but far less tolerant of my fellow travelers than ever I used to be. Many of them are insufferable pricks and wrong-headed.

Keffiyeh-wearing entitled young pukes.

Possible pipe pictured.

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Sunday, May 19, 2024


Please imagine hundreds of naked drunken people running uphill in the fog. It is bitterly cold. It is just after dawn. Can you picture it? Fair makes your skin crawl, doesn't it? Can't you just feel the cold clammy flesh, trembling, trembling ...

Being there in your mind is preferable to actually being there. The annual Bay To Breakers Race, that being one of San Francisco's famous nude drunken revelries.
Naturally I wasn't there.

Instead, I was waking up from a dream that took place on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley, after the place had fallen into ruin and the giant lizards and jungle vines had taken over.
I was having a cup of strong coffee and a smoke.

The lizards, fortunately, did not believe in smoking restrictions indoors. A good thing given that it smelled like a foetid overgrown tropical swamp outside. Warmly rotten.
No potsmokers anywhere, though. That was a relief.

Berkeley in real life is full of potsmokers.

I felt like cheese for breakfast. Was that fondue place from years ago still around?
Their wine list had been unimpressive, but I do not drink anymore.
Their desserts were spectacular.
In short, while hundreds possibly thousands of my fellow Caucasians in San Francisco were getting plastered early in the morning, buck naked except for body paint that expressed their unique individuality and possibly several perversions, freezing their generously wattled pasty back-ends off, to loud party music while waiting for their turn to lumber into the swirls of fog and mercifully disappear from sight up Hayes Street Hill, I was waking up from a pleasant dream in which there was nothing eccentric or unusual. Probably everyone sometimes dreams of coffee and cheese! Normal people.

All in all I had a good day at work. It was quiet. Bay To Breakers affects the traffic all over the region, and many people stayed home waiting for the alien invasion to finally end.

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Saturday, May 18, 2024


My apartment mate has a Punjabi coworker who drives her up the wall, very frequently interrupting with inanities during crucial moments when intense concentration is required.
She asked me how to politely indicate to "Jullunderji" (a fake name) that buggering off and going to pester someone else or do something useful preferably on a different floor of the building would be desirable. Jullunderji has "a profound passion for posting data".
Or something. Per Jullunderji's own blithering words.

Adding to the discomfiture, Jullunderji has a facial expression like a roadkill duck.

As the well-travelled and worldly Dutchman, who has worked a lot with Punjabis and have much exposure to them, surely I have helpful suggestions?

I don't know. Maybe give Jullunderji a toy? Balled-up tinfoil to play with?

Punjabis HATE being bored. At a certain enterprise, if it was a slow day, it was guaranteed that one of the Punjabis would start something. Nothing gets the blood flowing like a good ruckus. Excitement helps digest that big bucket of ghee they had with their chapati. Jaggaji (another fake name) once told me with a twinkle in his eye that 'sab Delhi-mein bakrichot hai'. Which was before I spoke any Hindi, so of course I asked the manager, a splendid chap who hailed from Delhi, what it meant. That day proved to be very educational.

It took me several weeks to finally figure out what it meant.

Once in a tropical place I consulted a Punjabi medical man. "Perhaps you have something terribly terribly serious and soon maybe you will die". He seemed quite pleased by this. The concept probably made his day. "Oh boy, sick gaura, what jolly fun". It turned out to be a slightly strained muscle and a completely unconnected ear-infection.
I should have given him a tinfoil ball to cheer him up.
In some ways Punjabis are like crows and magpies (dono hi kagada prakarana hain).

They are intelligent and social creatures that require stimulation. Many bird species know that the best way to get that is by irritating other creatures. During the afternoon 'R' spent three hours doing exactly that to a bald man and a Dubliner in the backroom, I could hear the tumult and outrage from where I was, and when he left he seemed happy as a clam.

For him, today was a good day.

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Friday, May 17, 2024


Yesterday evening when I stepped out with my pipe there was moisture in the air, thin fog drifting in. Low mid-fifties. Which possibly is not the normal situation at this time of year, but because for some reason I feel the temperature more acutely than when I was in my twenties and thirties I am more aware of such things now. Not nearly as bad as the elderly Indonesian woman downstairs, who is temperature uncomfortable eight months of the year. But whenever I complain about how cold it is, I sound like a kvetchy old geezer.

So I don't.

On the other hand, if I pretend that everything is lovely, it's just perfect weather, absolutely perfect, I remind myself of the old man in the 'bring out your dead' scene in Monty Python's Flying Circus' Holy Grail.

"I'm not dead! I'm getting better! I don't want to go on the cart.
I feel fine. I think I'll go for a walk, I feel happy, I feel happy!

I don't think I'm fooling anyone.

My DNA hails from a frigid swamp on the banks of the North Sea, and New England. So I'm built to endure this chill. Why, my ancestors suffered worse. By their standards this is perfect for hunting down the wild cheesecake, slaughtering it, and feasting on the creamy flesh! Yoicks and tally-ho!
If you ever wondered why you don't see cheesecake in the wild, now you know.

It took hours of standing up to our thighs in freezing water amidst the reeds with a whistle and a patient hound, waiting for flocks of them to fly overhead, unsuspecting. Sometimes making prolonged strangulated quacking sounds on special whistles.

One good shot, and they'd drop the whistles.

There is cheesecake in the fridge. I'll have some when I get home tonight.
With a cup of coffee before going to bed.

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Thursday, May 16, 2024


Ten years ago I woke up from a dream in which I was arranging cigar boxes neatly across a street in the suburbs. Perhaps the screams of all the outraged earthmoms had awakened me. Earthmoms (Karens, Berkeleyites, and concerned health fascists) generally speaking do not approve of cigars. Or tobacco. Or smoking. Unless it's weed, which in addition to being highly therapeutic is beneficial to the planet, and grown by little green men in the Amazon rainforest who hug dolphins, save orphaned wild animals and kittens, and recycle.
Just ask anybody outside the dispensaries on Polk Street.
If you can get them to talk to you.
Instead of gibbering.

I am mildly in favour of tobacco. Not of pot.

Tobacco has been shown to improve mental function, notably in people on the cusp of senility, creative types, writers and geniuses, plus medical students pulling an all-nighter studying for a test tomorrow. Whereas marijuana scrambles your brains, makes you attack that very reasonable middle aged chap walking home from work while you are almost completely naked on Van Ness Avenue, and leads to communism and syphilis.

People have died from communism and syphilis.
It's spring. Sort of. Things are green. The temperate zone is verdant, and in Germany those people who do not need to go to work or protest furiously in the streets are heading into the forest to undress and become one with nature as Germans are wont to do ruddy nudists.
You cannot see it in the picture, but there are naked Germans everywhere.

Perhaps the crazy man who assaulted me on my way home a few months ago, when it was raining, had escaped from Germany. More likely he had addled his brain with green stuff.
You can perhaps understand why it concerns me that there are five pot shops in my neighborhood, but only one tobacconist.


Also, I am not a dolphin.

The only person I wish to see approaching me would be sparkling and female, and only indoors after we had been properly introduced, and had, after a few conversations, tentively negotiated the disrobing -- mutually agreeable terms and such -- and no violence was involved. Nor mind-altering substances. A kitten or tobacco might be.
But are not fundamental to the situation.
All hypothetically.

It's still far too cold for nakedness outside.
Barely sixty degrees Fahrenheit.
Please abstain.

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An author whom I like appears to have a pet bunny. With whom she has conversations. About cheesecake. The bunny disapproves of cheesecake late at night as a casual snack. Which I agree with, because nothing about cheesecake should be casual. It should be eaten with great deliberation, in a contemplative state of mind. That way, if you decide to have a second or a third piece, you know what you are doing and have weighed all the options, seriously taking into account what your relatives might say, and there are no crumbs or witnesses.

There should be late night coffee shops with pie and cheesecake next to twenty four hour fitness centres. That way you can reward yourself for doing the treadmill plus the stretches and lifts. In this neighborhood, we don't have that -- our pretense to be civilized is only haphazard at best -- but we do have a cult favourite donut place opposite the gym.

I have never been inside that gym. No need to, I am a scrawny man.
And I had a big wedge of cheese cake before bed.

When I was in my early twenties there were several times when I ate nearly an entire cheesecake. I still feel good about that. Cheesecake builds healthy bones because it's filled with calcium. Which, as the years advance, is something to which you should pay attention. My doctor at Chinese hospital particularly told me that I should up my calcium intake as I was getting older, and when I asked him what foods he recommended, he mentioned 'cheese'. Well, dairy in general, but he did say 'cheese'. Which is odd, when you consider that generally speaking almost his entire patient demographic is averse to cheese.
Most Asians are. Except for the Japanese, who have raised cheesy poofs to an art form. Canto teenagers, who love pizza and boba tea. And Hong Kong folks who crave porkchops on spaghetti carbonara with a layer of melted cheese on top that would stop your arteries dead in their tracks. And cheesy biscuits, chips, crisps, crunchies, etcetera made for the Asian market. Plus scrumptious cheesecake at several Asian American bakeries.

[Many times I have seen patrons carrying boxes of pizza into bars and mahjong parlours in Chinatown at night.]

They still haven't discovered cheese in a can yet, but it's just a matter of time.

As a Dutchman, naturally this gives me great pleasure.

By the way, that illustration of the Raspberry Crown Borer (pennisetia marginata), a moth the larva of which damage valuable plants like Blackberry, Boysenberry, Loganberry, Raspberry, Salmonberry, Thimbleberry, is there only because Armand mentioned that it sounded like desert. There actually is a pastry called the raspberry crown.
Which can in fact be delicious.
Late at night.

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Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Russell was outside enjoying the sun when I left the restaurant. I had not seen him since February, when I heard he had been in the hospital with pneumonia. He was there for three weeks, and now seems more or less recovered, though still not up to one hundred percent. And he has somewhat given up on the bakery, because the others don't go there till late afternoon, when it's almost time for supper. I too have not been going there as often.
I like space to sit down at tea time; they're often crowded till well past then.

Lunch was excellent. Didn't go to the usual place. Had an egg on top. Found out that the simplified version of 窩 is 窝 (two strokes less, big deal). Five strokes for the radical (穴) under which you'll find it in the dictionary, then seven more strokes for the easy version.
Or nine more for the right version.

No idea what the table of Europeans thought about their lunch, and they spoke too softly to listen in and figure out where they were from, which was disappointing. One of them had a claypot dish, which may have baffled him somewhat.

I always find it interesting when tourists stroll into a chachanteng.
It's not standard Chinese like in suburbia or Europe.
Or, saints preserve us, Iowa.

Halfway down Russell's alley three grammar school girls were enchanted by a kitten which found them equally fascinating. I watched the four of them for a minute, then proceded further, encountering another young feline plotting to scale the wall and seize the fluttering pigeons, not fully aware of how impossible that plan was. Beyond there, more tourists.
You will find Asian Water Monitors near nullahs and streams, and even by the shore. They consume amphibians, crustaceans, carrion, and fish. Some people consider them lucky. The Cantonese name for them (水巨蜥 'seui geui sik'; "water monitor") differs slightly from the Northern Standard, 圓鼻巨蜥 (yuán bí jù xī; "round-snouted monitor". The two part term for 'monitor' simply means enormous lizard in both languages.

They are not eaten, I don't know if they taste just like chicken, and some berserk individuals have kept them as pets despite the bite being quite dangerous and often leading to horrible infections. They have an affinity for streams and inlets. Hong Kong is, largely, too urban, so you'll have to go into the New Territories (新界 'san gaai') to run into them.

Kittens and silly little lap dogs are just the right size for a mature monitor's dinner. I have never heard of a pet being snatched, but it probably does happen. I wouldn't let my child near them if I were you. They lunge if they feel threatened. Or hungry.

I mention this because I feel somewhat grumpy when I'm on the bus heading down to Chinatown for lunch. And snappish. It's that low blood sugar before eating.
And I hate packed buses.

Also, I feel somewhat threatened by tourists stumbling around my habitat.

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It is axiomatic that many little girls love Hello Kitty. Especially little Chinese girls. And Chinese girls between early teens and mid-thirties, as well as several mature women who have never grown up. Which is why I will not have my Hello Kitty backpack with me whenever I head to Chinatown, which I often do for food and milk tea, because I do not wish to be arm-wrestled for it by fearsome little minxes whom, as a properly brought up fellow, I cannot kick in the goolies to prevent them from winning. It would be ungentlemanly.

Also, I am not the stuff of nightmares. That little miss who has EXACTLY the same backpack? She will never know.

An additional factor is that after the Hello Kitty backpack started wearing out I graduated to a Minions backpack, followed by an angry death metal red panda. Neither of which are with me when I go anywhere in the city anyway, because I only need something to carry extra pipes and tobacco when I go to work across the bridge. Normally I have two briars and a small leather pouch of flue-cured leaf in my coat pocket.

That little girl will probably grow up to be a geologist out in the dessert with a rockhammer and a hand lens busily whacking stones and dodging gila monsters at some point.
One fervently wishes that if this happens, she has a supply of cookies with her. Because even though there are enterprising Cantonese people everywhere, running restaurants that provide the only edible food for several miles around in the most heathen and unforgiving environments -- like Iowa -- they're probably spread out considerable in the Mojave. Hardly a large enough customer base (and gila monsters), so there's probably just one of them there. Next to a gift shop that sells Hello Kitty holding geology equipment.
And cute little pans for gold.

Windsor Castle is ringed by Cantonese restaurants.
Bet you didn't know that, eh?

Whereas on a middle aged man a Hello Kitty backpack says "mature Dutch American man with pipes who reads habitually", on a middle aged woman, Hello Kitty anything just about screams "I have many screws loose and am emotionally unstable". It's a different dynamic. The first mentioned has it because it's practical, carries anywhere up to a dozen tobacco related items plus emergency teabags, and cannot be accidentally left behind in a food or drink establishment because then everyone will yell "hey, senile old geezer, don't forget your granddaughters bag, what, are you out of it?" The second person simply advertises that she is emotionally about eight years old, loves cutesy crap plus butterflies, flowers, and little fairies, and still wants her dolly and some mango pudding!

I also like mango pudding, but I do not need my auntie to make it for me.


¾ Cup boiling water.
1 TBS gelatin powder.
2 TBS sugar.
1 Cup mango puree.
½ cup coconut milk.
1 Tsp lemon juice.
1 Cup chopped mango.
2 TbS evaporated milk.
Plus a drop or two of vanilla extract.

Dissolve gelatin powder in hot water, stir in sugar. Add mango puree, coconut milk, lemon juice, and vanilla extract, and mix until smooth. Then add most of the chopped mango and pour into a pyrex pie dish. Cover with plastic and let it set in the fridge for a few hours.
Strew remaining mango on the top and drizzle with the evaporated milk.
Sago pearls can be added for more fun.

I'll be heading out for lunch at a chachanteng soon. Sadly, there will be no mango pudding. But there is cheesecake in the refrigerator for when I return.

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There are too many skeevy tourists wandering around at night. As well as people missing screws. Item: the black dude who fingered the railings in the shallow wall niches of a bank, in between mewing, and dithering back and forth. Item: the guy with bright hued jogging shoes that skipped and hopped whenever he got close to parked cars along the street, circling them while doing his silly walk. Item: the scrawny fellow who used his own spit to slick back and style his hair, who passed by several times. Item: the two hispanics who may have just been stoned out of their calabazas pequeñas. And all the German and French speaking goobers who walked down the street while I was smoking my pipe.

The Chinese people were fine. A few of them smiled and nodded in greeting.
I'm just the white man who smokes a pipe in the neighborhood.
Which is a normal activity. And clearly harmless.

Of course a few of them probably expect me to be drunk and staggeringly crazy at some point, because that seems to be what white people do. What berserk weirdness will be manifested then? They're probably quite keen to find out.

You know, I miss the stupendous wall of dildoes that one of the places in North Beach used to feature. It was an eye-opening monument to the hunger of some people. But for both the bookseller and myself the only real reason to visit the palace of pink rubber was to converse with the likable Russian refugee who worked there most days, who was, with an impressive academic background, quite "overqualified" for the job. But didn't mind, as it exposed him to interesting people with most of the time just one thing on their mind.

The bookseller and I went there because we were local.
The bookstore was just down the block.
And the conversation was good.

Which cannot be said so much for the beer place or the karaoke bar, because it's usually too loud. But they're interesting. While at the first we observed two very charming young ladies wandering around outside with an extra large pizza, who passed by again, and the only thing that I can think of is that they were looking for conversational partners who relished peppers and anchovies. Or perhaps a likely looking night spot to snarf down the dinner of champions, not too crowded, but gay and bright without loud music. And maybe nice gentlemanly men. Personally, I think that damsels wandering about with pizza is delightful.
So I hope they decide to have pizza every week.
Pizza is good. Brainfood.

And, speaking of such things, there were several folks at the karaoke joint who will remain quite safe during the zombie apocalypse. A disappointing eventuality.

The bus back across the hill reeked strongly of eggs.
Not nearly as attractive a fragrance.
Mmmm, pizza!

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Tuesday, May 14, 2024


If you are East Asian or Guamanian, you naturally prefer your luncheon meat ('Spam®') with a mound of rice and a fried egg or two. Or, for Hong Kong people, in a bowl of instant ramen, add one or two spears of yauchoi or some bokchoi. Classic. Could be lunch, could be a late night snack in front of the teevee. Or possibly eaten on the fire escape or out in the concrete paved courtyard of your auntie's house in a densely built-up village in the New Territories near Gin Drinkers line. Perhaps your uncle's old house just off Route Twisk.

Late at night. The heat has gone down ten degrees or so, so it's mid seventies instead of mid to high eighties. Later in the year that corrugated overhang will be useful, it will shield you from rain while you eat.

You are wearing flip-flops, pajama pants, and an A-shirt.

Uncle Tung hollers from across the fence "wai, Pok Jai, yau mow yin aaaaah?" He's run out of smokes, and the nearest store is a mile down. You wave a cigarette over the top edge and a ghost hand takes it. It's imperceptable, yet you sense the flame, the deep inhale, and the radiant satisfaction from the other side.

Life stays good.

['sim'] Cicadas

Sometimes people sweep their outside areas obsessively. Poisonous creepy crawlies, large centipedes, giant spiders. Sometimes there are harmless creatures, that may simply be observing you. Yes, big eyes, but not glowing malevolently. They're just curious.

Caucasians of the North American type have entirely different ideas about food and luncheon meat. Here's a recipe recommended one time by Family Circle that in any climate would clog your arteries, but in the sub-tropics might lead to gout, acid indigestion, acid reflux, perhaps apoplexy, and definitely a prolonged spell of existential angst.
Did you make the right decisions in life?
It looks like a delicious heart-stopping overload. Surely that's a serving for a dozen people?
It sounds great, should I cook this? Will my doctor want to talk to me afterwards?

It would probably go great with sambal.

Cautionary note from the internet: Vincent Price was a trained chef. Don't try this at home.

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A friend mentioned on Facebook that he enjoyed lunch at Kedai Tjikini in Menteng, followed by coffee and a cigar. You can still smoke indoors there, and it's ventilated enough.
High ceilings and louvers above the windows for air circulation.
This time of year Jakarta is mid-eighties.
Here the temperature was twenty five degrees less than that, we have almost no traditional Indonesian food, and you cannot smoke indoors except at a place that many local politicians dislike for doctrinaire reasons, where children are not allowed.

Ventilation louvers are not standard here.
They are, in old buildings in Jakarta.

My lunch was dumplings in Chinatown at a place where they know me and always address me in Cantonese. But I have to remind them to bring the hot sauce. Pursuant which, it looks like there is going to be another Sriracha crisis, but this time oh boy am I prepared! I bought six large bottles of Huy Fong. Which should generously carry me into the next year.

Went out to purchase sauce and have lunch after posting a sneering comment on a science page anent an anti-masker and doing my laundry. I'd rather trust the doctors I deal with, the professionals at the hospitals that I deal with, and the critical reading I've done, than some paranoid anti-mask rando nutball on the internet. But I sympathize with his immense suffering and the heartache that the masks caused him. Poor baby.
Lunch was perfect for people watching. One table over a young lady with her boyfriend and her parents were enjoying several dishes together. She made sure he got plenty of the fried shrimp, he then placed several of them on her plate -- well-mannered Chinese people serve the person next to them, which both of them did by doing that, and her parents avoided the fried shrimp because, and this is just a theory, such thing are not quite so appealing to the un-Americanized older generation. It's very Canto-American suburban restaurant style in a way. And they were all speaking Mandarin, so there is probably a long history of despairing over the Chinese food in America there.

She was a round-faced bright-eyed young lady, he was an angular intellectual looking fellow, and they seem perfect together. But I suspect that there is a height difference, which was not quite evident while they were seated.

At a table opposite three younger people were enjoying different soups and shared small dishes. I could only really see the square-faced girl with the specs; a very readable face.
One table over from them a birdlike middle-aged woman and her husband or lover were having siu lung baau (小籠包) and noodles. They happily took photos of their food and the menu for their social media posts. That, too, is a very Chinese thing.

"Hi, we ate at Dingbats, here are three pictures of our food plus thirty more."

By the way: the reason I'm writing this in the middle of the night is because I woke up after taking a nap. It's presently under fifty Fahrenheit. Terlalu dingin sekali! This does not feel like spring weather at all. It may be time for another angry letter to the editor.
Must be climate change. Darn younger generation!

Lunch was 白菜豬肉水餃 (white cabbage and pork dumplings).
They were delicious with dabs of hot sauce.
An excellent meal.

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Monday, May 13, 2024


Contrary to what you might think, they do not hang out near sushi bars or seafood centres. And if you saw one on the public bus, you'd want at least three prosperous looking tourists between you and him, one of them a chubby Midwestern potato holding a hotdog. Blockage, defensive obstacles, and airbag. You can usually tell who the tourists are, because they are speaking loudly in Mandarin, Tagalog, and German. Well, not so much in this city -- those could simply be natives -- but elsewhere.

Wir können nicht in diesem sheithol bleiben, wir müssen promptlig zu Nebelsumpbad zurück kehren!

Because, of course, neither they nor the tourists like seafood. They're on vacation, they've had that seafood culturally and historically shoved up their whazzoo, it helped them drive the Flemings and English out of the far oceans and conquer the Spice Islands (plus wiping out the population of Banda for sound business reasons in the process), and they're sick of it. They want red meat. Artificially red. Hotdogs and bacon!

Well, except for the Midwesterners. They've grown large on copious amounts of surströmming and lutefisk at church suppers. But they too want red meat.
Random thought: The Japanese largely depended on seafood for generations, and invented sushi. The Scandinavians for centuries relied on the sea for food; they invented surströmming and lutefisk. This proves something.

Seagulls look like they want a bite of your burger. They'll beak-wrestle you for it. Not arm wrestle -- no arms, really -- and rochambeauing you for it, in the style of Cartman from Southpark, is also out of the question.

That may be why every McDonalds and In-n-Out in the Bay Area has at least one seagull lurking outside. Best get back into your car pdq. But push the infant in first, or else the bird will try to seize it. It looks fat and juicy.

Yes, I am wondering what to have for lunch today.

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Sunday, May 12, 2024


Because today was Mothers Day, it was quiet and peaceful. Years ago when I still worked at a restaurant part time it was like being in the trenches during war. People are very protective of their old maternals for one day of the year, and start to slaughters strangers at random if momma's soup is not just perfectly bland yet salty. They told the waiter! And they're stressed out because despite doing laundry and scrubbing the plates for once in their life they are still a horrible disappointment! They should have become a doctor! They'd be married now! "Where are the grandkids I expected?" She wails despairingly at the next table over.

Their cousin Vinnie is an architect who owns real-estate and has fifteen kids!

But my day was peaceful. No bloodshed.

No mothers.

Instead, there was calm pipe smoke like you could have expected if your mom had married that dashing Latin scholar and gone on to get her degree in ancient Greek sexual practices like she intended. You'd have been born ten years later, when she heard her biological clock ticking over the ruckus of academia. And you'd have a tattoo just like hers, except the text would read "Iulia Agrippina", in homage to ambitious women. You wouldn't know how inappropriate that was.

I rather enjoyed the peace and quiet.
People told me that till about five o'clock traffic into the city was absolutely horrendous, because there is nothing good to eat in Marin, not an edible crumb anywhere that's 'mom-appropriate'. By the time I was in a bus crossing the Golden Gate it was still slow, because some mothers are actually late owls and stay up all night, or their idiot only son couldn't get a reservation for the cocktail hour and started drinking early. Nothing says Mothers Day quite like being sweaty and vomitously blotto on cheap champagne by early afternoon.
After a long morning of fixxing the washer because you overloaded it.
Suds everywhere!

Not being in any way involved in the festivities, I had a good day.

I'm proposing that for Fathers Day next month, wives and daughters fix the power mower and the outdoor grill. A few sharp blows with a hammer ought to do it. And feed him breakfast in bed, perhaps a well-done steak, side of broccoli, and a can of Coors Light.
He might not understand the delicious irony.
But you will.

They are ridiculous holidays.
Quite loathsesome.

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An aquaintance in Marin, where I work, is very much afraid of mutant Mongolian Death Worms. Which derive from nanites injected in the covid vaccine that develop first into arm worms feeding off their human hosts before escaping and becoming the fearsome Mongolian Death Worm that can kill you instantly from several feet away because it reads your mental emanations and knows, KNOWS! that you are a truth seeker purely filled with the Occidental Mysteries so rife in Marin. This is because the CDC wishes to replace us all with driverless taxis and similar artificially intelligent entities ready to take over the world.

The Occidental Mysteries of Marin.
Mutant Mongolian Death Worms.

The "Mongolian Death Worm" is a rumoured cryptid occuring in the most inhospitable parts of the Gobi. No one has ever seen one. There is NO evidence that such a creature exists. Which PROVES that they're real. Remember, they kill from several feet away?
No one who saw a Mongolian Death Worm lived to tell about it.

Approximately two to three feet long. Deadly.

"It is shaped like a sausage about two feet long, has no head nor leg and it is so poisonous that merely to touch it means instant death. It lives in the most desolate parts of the Gobi Desert."

...... The Jalkhanz Khutagt Sodnomyn Damdinbazar, son of Tserensodnom, titled Samadi Nomun Khan, prime minister of Mongolia February 1922 till July 1922

How this aquaintance found out about the Mongolian Death Worm baffles the heck out of me, seeing as he scarcely reads, but I have assured him that he has nothing to fear as his mental emanations can't possibly reveal a damned thing.
There are reasons I don't associate with many of these people outside of my work, when it is necessary to do so. A belief that the CDC released a version of the Mongolian Death Worm on the world to elliminate humans and replace us all with robo-taxis is just one reason.
Albeit an excellent one.

No, it isn't the spiritual fellow who dates only psycho lady chiropractors (reliably described as batshit insane). Which is as Mill Valley as you can get. He's another good reason.

Anyhow, heading off to work in somewhat over an hour or so. Perhaps I should wear a garland of gluten to ward off the crazies?

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Saturday, May 11, 2024


As you probably expected, it got too hot for a few days, during which people said things like "I think I'll go outside it's so lovely", "well, winter looks to finally be over", and "I am from Detroit". To all of which my mental reaction was a snarl. But I hid it extremely well.
In hot weather my legs hurt. So a pox on everyone who likes sunny days.
The ideal climate is slightly too cold for comfort.
Just above Raynaud's syndrome.

Naturally I made sure to stay hydrated. Lots of tea. Much like when I'm freezing my goolies off in the arctic temperatures of winter, except then I claim it's to stay warm and alert, rather than curling up on the snowdrift and hibernating. In the frozen hinterland of Marin County, where there are polar bears and snow weasels for five months of the year.
Because of which I sent angry letters to the editor!
Bellyaching is its own reward.

[Please note: very minor exaggeration for poetic effect.]

Seeing as I live in San Francisco, I am looking forward to summer.
Three solid months of fog. Perfect for taking walks.
My cardiologist has impressed upon me that circulation in my lower extremities can only get worse, I'll need peripheral angioplasties eventually, which will solve a multitude of problems which I don't even know I have my heavens I will say why didn't I do this sooner and life will be good again! Hosanna!

I am determined to prove him wrong. Wherefore I am exercising a bit more, increasing the number of slope up and down of which I tromp every week, so that when I do the treadmill thing the next time I see him I will ace the test and astound him.

Aside from being idiotically stubborn, which is typically Dutch of me, I don't want another overnight stay in the hospital. Five years ago, when I woke up at nine in the evening there, there was a dreary moaning from the next room. It was allegedly an in and out procedure, but they had put me under to keep me from twitching, so they kept me overnight. I switched on the animal channel and watched hyenas hunting down a fat zebra for dinner. When they made the kill, there was a dreary moaning from nextdoor. Two hours later, lions were fighting the hyenas over the kill. Blood everywhere. And dreary moaning. At four in the morning the hyenas were finally enjoying a well deserved feast. With dreary moaning. Then, when finally a nurse came by with coffee just after six, the vultures were circling over the remains, and there was a dreary moaning.

So I asked: "what's going on next door?"
"Oh that's just a demented woman, there's nothing wrong with her."
"Why is she moaning?"
"She's upset about her surroundings."

When they suggested that if I wasn't up to it, they could keep me over for an extra day, I was up, dressed, and out of there in a flash. Downstairs getting into a taxi before they could blink.

If all that was wrong with that woman was dismay over her surroundings, she's probably still alive, and still there.

Within several weeks I shall have enough stamina to hike across the hill with no problems. Grit. Determination. Orneriness. No sweat, no heavy breathing, a pipe in my mouth.
Key is keeping an even burn in the bowl, no excess heat.
On the cusp of going out, but staying lit.

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Friday, May 10, 2024


Yesterday was incredibly nasty. It was hot and bright. And too many people exclaimed that it was a gorgeous day, can you believe this weather, oh how lovely. Those people were rabid slime and I hope they boil in hell for an eternity. By around seven o'clock in the evening it was far more bearable -- low sixties -- and despite there being too many folks underdressed exposing their pink puffy flesh because of underclothedness, this blogger felt well enough to venture out with a pipe and some tobacco.

It might hit mid seventies today. Time to work on your suntan.
At present it's mid fifties and just about perfect.
And the breakfast pipe tastes fine.

A weird sounds contest: hacking and hairballs when you smell my tobacco while walking your nasty yippy terrier. Or is it an ugly turtle? A carved buddha? Please hurry up and make it poo, so you can get out of my life.

I am not drawn to sunlight.

I have bushier eyebrows than a female, which allows me to sense their pheromones, if Wikipedia is to be believed. Which may not be entirely accurate.

At this stage in my life I am mostly solitary

Apparently I am partial to maple trees, including red maples, sugar maples, silver maples, and box elder maples, as well as oak trees.

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Thursday, May 09, 2024


For some reason Microsoft Start wants me to read about Columbia. Which I have absolutely no intention of doing. Not planning to go there, ever, and I have no interest whatsoever in reading about a place run by cartels. Same goes for Florida.

Ditto for most of Latin America, the Middle East, and sub-Saharan Africa.

And Dublin, and Glasgow, and London.
Plus Malmo.

Most of the world smells bad, eats too much, and talks funny.

If I actually wanted contact with savages determined to destroy civilization there are any number of places I could visit. My shots are up to date, and I'm sure I could find something edible with effort. The folklore show with colourful native dances is easily avoided, and not getting into political discussions with the natives is, at this point, automatic.
The welcoming committee and the local political opinions are totally in synch. To such an extent that someone from the United States is usually blamed for everything wrong in the world, the high price of penis gourds, killer bees, and witchcraft.
As well as bad sports and hamburgers.

So, to sum up: screw Columbia. It's a nasty place with rabid hippopotamuses.
Vulgar Miami make-up slags, and gun-toting illiterates.
A smelly suburb of Venezuela.

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Per a recent news article, there is not a single encampment of ten pup tents or more in the city. Reason being, one suspects, because anti-Semites at Ivy league universities, decent schools, and Berkeley, have driven the price up and made them unaffordable for the average pavement-dwelling needle freak. As well as rednecks made homeless by tornadoes.

This may well be true. I shan't head into the Tenderloin to find out. Too many Fox News reporters down there reportaging on Republican politicians and influencers.

At the beginning of the pandemic I looked at an employement opportunity down there, and decided that close association with that neighborhood and those people would not be conducive to my mental health. An office with no masks and little ventilation.
If they haven't had Covid (yet), they caught something else.

Life is too short to hang around people from the interior spreading disease.

Which, of course, is why I am not in the tourist business.
Or employed by Fox News Corporation.

And it should be pointed out that pup tents are inherently racist, because there is no way your average grossly underclothed overweight tattooed lardbut can comfortably fit in there, even if the poor Midwestern refugee of either gender but mostly female, overwhelmingly female, could actually bend over and crawl in. Instead, those people are running loose with nowhere to go, exhibiting themselves at every cake shop and icecream parlour in the city, swilling boba tea, slushies, and 64 ounce sodas because of the heat we're having.
Oh, the humanity! The morbidly obese tattooed humanity!
Pink and quivering Kansas!

Saw over twenty of them yesterday. I hate tattoos.
It looked like a women's prison out there.
The Aryan Sisterhood section.

This isn't fat-shaming! I have nothing but admiration for people who weigh well over four hundred pounds who are still ambulatory and active. Kudos. Save the whales.
One of these days I may visit them in the Midwest or South.
See them in their native enviroment.
Feed them peanuts.

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Whoever thinks nature is benevolent and harmless may need their head adjusted. Nature, usually, is malevolently apathetic. Homicidal psychos...