Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Yesterday was Bobby Burns Night. Which, in North America, is celebrated by hairy men in skirts poncing about speaking in tongues (either reciting Robert Burns' "poetry", or talking with what they imagine is a Scots accent, OR both). It gets worse as the evening progresses.
An inedible substance is served with fanfare.
The bagpipe is badly played.
Whisky is drunk.

The bagpipe, for those unaware, is the Celtic equivalent of the accordion. Very much like the banjo. The inedible substance (haggis) can be described as guts and grits boiled in a bag.

Sheep guts. Stuffed into a sheep stomach.

There is more to Scots cuisine than soggy chopped offal cooked for poor folks out on the moors. Even if you ignore vindaloo and chicken tikka masala, the two great British dishes.

And, speaking of cookery, I have updated my food blog: Cooking with a lizard, which I had neglected for a few years despite mentioning food and its preparation several times here.
Even more stuff will be added soon.

I've also created a new blog specifically to showcase my pipe drawings (done with the 'Paint' programme on the computer), unimaginatively named Briar Pipe Illustrations.
Hardly any text, mostly pictures.

Stuff will be added rather slowly.

For no reason, a bridge in Wales: Pontypridd

In other news, a person named Elizabeth has sent me a letter (computer generated, but made to look like handwritten and personalized) urging me to let Jehovah's Witnessing into my heart. Dear Elizabeth, I am a rabbi with smicha from Yeshivas Chipass Emmess, so your heartfelt plea falls on deaf ears. Have you considered letting Jehovah's Witnessery fall by the wayside? There are so many more heresies than just yours, with better music and food.
I recommend Heavens Gate, it's perfect for you. So spiritual!

Good lord, don't those Jovies EVER give up?
They're as bad as the Scientologists.

The previous occupant of this apartment was on the Scientologists mailing lists. We're still receiving mail from them addressed to him years later.
It goes into the garbage.

NOTE: Readers may contact me directly:
All correspondence will be kept in confidence.

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